Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun] time [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The USSR and Argentina have each made a submission for the fist time in the competition 's history .
2 To return to more mundane editing procedures , if you are working without the help of an automatic edit controller , you can improve the accuracy of your manual edits by making allowance for the backspace time on the record VCR .
3 Angel had had a magical childhood , bucking the system at the smart Buenos Aires boys ' school of Champagnat and living during the term time in a large house in the Avenidad del Libertador .
4 It was a great art i in having a good hay stack , for the time of the winter time for the sheep .
5 It has been shown that the ratio of the flow time of a polymer solution t to that of the pure solvent t o is effectively equal to the ratio of their viscosity if the densities are equal .
6 When analysed separately in the cholesterol gall stone patients and gall stone free patients , there were no significant correlation of the nucleation time with the CSI ( r=0.12 and r=-0.60 , respectively or with the distribution of vesicular cholesterol ( r=-0.02 and r=-0.61 , respectively ) .
7 It was an occasion filled with memories of a life time in the carpet business , highlighted with speeches by Ralph Ellis , Rod Turnbull , Steve Higgins and from customers who have known him for a long time .
8 The individual PEG species were identified in the chromatogram by comparing their retention times with the retention time for a pure PEG 634 standard .
9 performing of street lighting er equipment , has to be conducted on site of basis , we have a system of scouting , the whole County is covered by paid scouts who every so often do a tour of their big network of units to ensure that there is , now one has to allow within the response time for the next cycle of
10 making er the hay To make er That was in the harvest time for the harvest it would be oh nearly three three cart loads of sheaves for a for a stack .
11 The subjects with influenza B showed a 19% increase in the reaction time for the 10 minute version of the variable fore period simple reaction time test when compared with the controls ( symptomatic value 440 ( SD 82 ) ms , control value 369 ( SD 79 ) ms , p<0.05 ) .
12 All the houses were so small that er th nearly everybody 'd take their chairs out in the evening time in the in the summer .
13 Such facilities , which include homely ‘ lounge ’ bar and restaurant areas , have not escaped the notice of the corporate world , where an increasing demand for ‘ staff awaydays ’ has resulted in a boom time for the clubs in this area .
14 At the cut-off time for the coursework an electronic drawbridge goes up : students are no longer allowed to write to their directories .
15 The patient had been removed from her previous general practitioner 's list six months previously and was at the material time on no doctor 's list , and the Crown Court had held that it was not practicable for a doctor who had acquaintance with the patient to make the recommendation .
16 But the new Accord comes at a crisis time for the motor industry .
17 Be guided by the cooking time on the packet and always taste the pasta yourself to check that it is not overcooked .
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