Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun] at the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Donleavy tried to make up for it later by arranging a champagne thank-you weekend for the Colemans at the DIA 's expense in an exclusive little Georgetown hotel , but by then they were almost too tired to enjoy it .
2 Meanwhile Welsh international Mark Titley and Newbridge wing Alun Harries were putting on a show for the selectors at the Bridgend Sevens in helping their invitation team ‘ The Welshmen ’ ( management includes Messrs. Ring and Webb ) to victory 22–16 against Llanharan in the Final .
3 The strange fact that the 1693 playbook leaves out the whole of the first 1692 scene ( the scene with the Duke , Egeus and the Lovers ) can only be accounted for , I believe , as a printing-house convenience , since it makes room for the inclusion at the end of Act I of the new episode of the Drunken Poets .
4 I tipped Arsenal for the championship at the start of the season and that 's the measure of respect I have for them because they are so resolute .
5 ‘ The fact that he took the 100m individual , when I could n't attempt the hat-trick because I failed to qualify for the event at the US trials through illness , is bound to increase interest when we get it together .
6 He left for the Somme at the end of December and was soon transferred to the 2nd Manchesters .
7 You had to , we worked for the castronery at the back .
8 for the toys at the beginning
9 Suffolk are expecting a crowd of around 5,000 — the largest in the county 's history — for the tie at the Victory Ground , Bury St Edmunds , on Tuesday , June 22 .
10 Late last night Mellor did his duty as a backbencher by voting for the Government at the end of the economy debate .
11 While the creature sought height for another sweep Hrun scrambled to his feet and set off at a dead run for the woods at the edge of the arena .
12 This may mean that he had remained in the region when the court set off for the midlands at the end of June .
13 This may mean that he had remained in the region when the court set off for the midlands at the end of June .
14 Sometimes the names of the authors of the report appear on the title page but , if the report is going out in the name of an organisation , it may be kept impersonal except for the signatures at the end .
15 It took her a week to make , that dress , she 'd made it specially for the dance at the police cadets ’ college , and then she 'd been so shy she 'd spent most of the evening in the Ladies .
16 It was for the Queen at the Palace of Holyroodhouse .
17 T : two things to establish for the writer at the beginning of the story one the situation what is the situation * at the beginning of the story * anybody what 's the situation Douglas * have you read the story Douglas S : no sir T : ah that wo n't help then will it who 's read the story what is the situation at the beginning SS : ( laughter ) T : £ is it Michael S : Carl T : what 's the situation at the beginning simple detail situation what where what is the story about at the beginning * have you read it S : no sir T : right who 's read it * Sarah ( Walsh 1987 : 82 )
18 INTERVIEWING CHILDREN Journalists should not interview a child in the absence , or without the consent , of a parent or other adult who is responsible for the child at the time .
19 Those entitled to notice of the application are : ( a ) any person caring for the child at the time the proceedings are commenced ; ( b ) every person whom the applicant believes to be a parent without parental responsibility , ie an unmarried father without the benefit of a parental responsibility agreement or order ; ( c ) every person whom the applicant believes to be a party to pending relevant proceedings in respect of the same child ; ( d ) any local authority providing accommodation for the child ; ( e ) where proceedings are brought in respect of a child alleged to be staying in a certified refuge , the person providing the refuge .
20 Where parents are not actually caring for the child at the time of the application the court must consider whether they would be likely to offer a reasonable standard of care if the child were returned to them .
21 Clearly at the state of the talks with the T & G , we still have a long long way to go to reach this new goal and there 's a strong rumour that there has been discussions between Sir John Edmunds and Lord Bill Morris the name of the new union already and I think an apt title for the union at the moment would be Yugoslavia because we 're in ethnic groups , we are sections , we 've got the boiler makers who are still claiming things they lost ten years ago when they merged .
22 Er can the Minister in fact , I mean following that question , can the Minister say in fact how many teachers are teaching religious education in private schools are not in fact quali qualified for the subject at the moment .
23 The only way I can describe this is to suggest that a normal 6ft putt on an average ‘ club green ’ would run 15ft for the players at the Masters this week .
24 Meanwhile Today wo n't comment because of legal proceedings … they add Neither the editor nor the managing editor of Today were working for the newspaper at the time of the original article on April 25th 1989 .
25 Colchester Borough Council 's planning committee decided to delegate the decision on the application for the church at The Centre on the town 's Greenstead estate to the director of planning and development , John Hutton , provided the applicants submitted new drawings showing more brickwork features and better windows , otherwise it would make the decision at a later meeting .
26 Although Dmitrii Miliutin 's predecessor as War Minister , General Sukhozanet , had been considered an unimaginative choice for the position at the time of his appointment in 1856 , he had instigated or been obliged to accept " Literally hundreds of changes " in the conduct of military affairs .
27 The credit for the laughter at the dinner table could be said to be shared between Henry and Frank Conway .
28 Whilst remembering the old days I was surprised to hear that ran in the family as his wife 's father had worked for the Company at the turn of the century .
29 We were riding back to Stratford in the spring of 1613 and stopped for the night at the Crown Inn in Oxford .
30 However , Friedman did not explicitly introduce rationality of expectations into the natural rate hypothesis , and indeed appeared to favour the use of an adaptive expectations model , at least for the US at the time he was writing .
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