Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun] of time a " in BNC.

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1 Other things being equal , the higher the average for the length of time a person is unemployed , the greater will be the number unemployed at any moment in time .
2 It must not rely on the measurement of subjective impressions such as the number of times a child annoyed a parent ; it must be concerned with observable behaviour .
3 In the singulative mode there is a balance between the number of times an event occurs and the number of times it is narrated ( an event occurring once is narrated once and an event occurring x times is narrated x times ) .
4 There was a little discussion about the length of time a perfectly made cup of tea ought to be brewed and a little anguish because there was no milk to offer the guests .
5 And , as a consequence , a phenomenon , peculiar to the species , called ‘ belief ’ , takes hold like an infection , or on-going plague , and in the course of time a formidable hierarchical structure develops .
6 Hitler himself provided encouragement for such opinion when , in his major speech in the Berlin Sportpalast on 3 October 1941 , he not only defended the invasion of the Soviet Union as a preventive war , pre-empting in the nick of time a planned Bolshevik assault on the Reich , but also gave the impression that the back of the Soviet fighting capability had already been broken .
7 She was in fact very thin but had this huge wire frame around her ’ It turned out that she 'd been coming in a couple of times a week , stealing hundreds of pounds worth of clothes , hanging them on her frame then walking out .
8 To confine the interaction to what is known is the safest course , and there are limits to the number of times a teacher can reply — as primary teachers are encouraged to — ‘ I do n't know , but let's find out , shall we ? ’ without straining their credibility and frustrating their pupils .
9 Tacograph readings are used to enforce European safety limits on the length of time a driver is behind the wheel without a break .
10 Tachograph readings are used to enforce European safety limits on the length of time a driver is behind the wheel without a break .
11 This stage is followed by a search for means to implement the desired change and over a period of time a cycle of problems are handled by this method .
12 This is not an exact method as the rate of fading is determined by the length of time a rug has been exposed to the light and by the intensity of the light source .
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