Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun] 's [noun] the " in BNC.

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1 In addition to making an order for the child 's attendance the court may order any person who is in a position to do so to bring the child to court ( s95(5) ) .
2 For the solicitor 's work the fee will vary depending on a number of factors .
3 For the city 's planners the poor were a public danger , their potentially riotous concentrations to be broken up by avenues and boulevards which would drive the inhabitants of the crowded popular quarters they replaced into some unspecified , but presumably more sanitary and certainly less perilous locations .
4 Opening the proceedings at the morning AGM for the Institution 's Governors the RNLI 's Chairman , Mr Michael Vernon , began by reminding the meeting that 1990 had been an eventful and difficult year in many parts of the world , with a sharp recession and uncomfortably high inflation affecting these islands .
5 While we wait for the doctor 's diagnosis the patient may easily die .
6 I thank the Minister for that answer and the confirmation that during the Government 's tenure the burden has been placed firmly on the shoulders of those who are least able to bear it .
7 The Picasso Museum opened in 1963 and during the artist 's lifetime the collection rapidly expanded to around 2,000 works , largely donated by the artist .
8 During the poet 's lifetime the vicar of the town was Thomas Bowles [ Baker , 1 , 576 ] , a classicist whose preaching betrays some pedantry :
9 The numerous victims of their rapacity and greed had no reason to risk their necks for the king and his favourites ; nobles such as the king 's half-brother the Earl of Norfolk , who might have expected to enjoy some influence at court , hated the Despensers for their monopoly of the king 's presence ; and the heirs of the victims of 1322 had everything to gain from the overthrow of Edward 's regime .
10 Others again have taken as the play 's essence the need to reconcile not truth and falsehood but competing truths .
11 Through the king 's wisdom the people will become prosperous and successful and victorious . "
12 Soon he was joined by other Europeans and henceforth it became a common sight to see one or other of the ladies or gentlemen of the " confident " party slapping away at the trough where once the dhobi had slapped ( for on the day after the Collector 's appearance the dhobi had vanished from the enclave , either because he considered it too dangerous to remain any longer now that the commander of the garrison had assumed the caste of dhobi or , more likely , because he resented the competition ) .
13 Immediately after the report 's submission the North Korean government did reverse its previously stated position by admitting that a small quantity of plutonium had been produced for experimental use only .
14 I simply did n't need any more , although after a year 's work the headmaster put me up to £7 a week .
15 After a year 's training the village nurses were placed in local dispensaries and went to look after mothers in childbirth in their own homes .
16 ( 2 ) Provided that where after a partner 's death the partnership business is continued in the old firm-name , the continued use of that name or of the deceased partner 's name as part thereof shall not of itself make his executors or administrators estate or effects liable for any partnership debts contracted after his death .
17 Given the rapid expansion of the CNAA 's activities the Committee had a membership of eighteen officers by September 1974 , twenty-five by March 1977 , and thirty-three by the beginning of 1979 .
18 In response to an outline of the CNAA 's difficulties the DES officers expressed the view that the difficulty lay with the Committee for Education , ‘ which appeared to take a divergent and insufficiently flexible view ’ on the question of devising course units in common between the BEd and other courses .
19 The Delight was met with opposition at St John 's Harbour from the mixed fishing community , but on sight of the queen 's commission the squadron was admitted and Gilbert went through the ceremony of annexing Newfoundland to England and issuing passes to non-English vessels to fish there .
20 Through careful disentanglement of the patient 's problems the action that is required to tackle his difficulties often becomes clearer .
21 All kinds of difficult questions began to be asked and in the early heady days of the women 's movement the body came in for close scrutiny .
22 At the time of the campaign 's suspension the base remained in Karen hands .
23 At the end of the afternoon 's events the Head makes an emotional speech praising my athleticism , my versatility , my stamina and my humility as he kneels at my feet to present me with the ‘ School 's Outstanding Sportsperson of the Decade ’ award .
24 During his life Hampden contrived the execution of the King 's advisor the Earl of Strafford .
25 ELEANOR apart , for the rest of the King 's subjects the Treaty of Montlouis meant , by and large , a return to the status quo as it was fifteen days before the outbreak of war .
26 Suppose also that at the time of the buyer 's liquidation the buyer owed £500 to the seller under another contract .
27 Once such an amendment of the articles is in place we would suggest that the chairman of the board ( or the company secretary ) should ascertain each board member 's decision by phone and minute as follows : ‘ Following the procedure laid down in Art 93 ( or whatever ) of the company 's articles the board resolves that … ‘ .
28 She liked the way it stood , distinct and certain , rising out of the level muddy waste of grass and tarmac that generously surrounded it : a bomb had fallen during the war , on a neighbouring chapel , and the site had been levelled out and was now an unofficial part of the school 's playgrounds The whole area was of a bleak airiness , and a cold wind seemed to blow incessantly upon it , turning the knees and knuckles of the girls pink and blue , and snatching away their obligatory berets the moment they emerged from the school porch .
29 … there still survived of the Lord 's family the grandsons of Jude , who was said to be His brother , humanly speaking .
30 Here , G is the gravitational constant , c the speed of light , and M is the mass of the star , so the crucial radius , called the Schwadschild radius , depends only on the collapsing star 's mass ; for a star of the Sun 's mass the Schwarzschild radius equals about 3 kilometres .
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