Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun] of [noun prp] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Supposing we was over there in America for the beginning of July I could n't go .
2 On Sunday December 20th at 10pm it signed a letter of intent to make the acquisition in a stock swap valued at roughly $320m for the 95% of USL it does not yet control .
3 Further work was also carried out on the International City Project , a long-term perspective for the development of Glasgow which has attracted interest from the highest levels in Government .
4 The judges granted a warrant for the re-arrest of Smith who was taken back to prison .
5 They were given intensive military training on Hainan island prior to going to Thailand in preparation for the invasion of Burma which was at an advanced planning stage .
6 In Nizan 's eyes the world was essentially divided into Good and Evil : those working for the forces of Good who produced revolutionary , disquieting literature ; those working for the forces of Evil who produced reactionary , politely complacent literature .
7 Ann Wigglesworth observed that when Augustine and Indir Borde had come for the Church of Scotland there had been a considerable delay and difficulty in getting their work permits and Ros Lyle brought evidence from the Welsh Presbyterial Church and Council for World Mission , where political pressure was needed in order to secure a permit for someone .
8 The families that lived rent free on the Moss had a price to pay — infill of the boggy terrain for the Duke of Argyll who owned the whole island .
9 Firstly , as noted , Dame Sirith laments the " " poverte " " of all old women and wins Margery 's ready — and formulaic — Christian sympathy : ( " For the love of God I pity your misery for I see you go ill-clothed and ill-shod . " )
10 ‘ I am proud to die for my ideals ; and I am sorry for the sons of Britain who have died without knowing why . ’
11 Eqn ( 4.34 ) is suitable for the measurement of L. We impose a sinusoidal V ext , we know R ( from calculations or measurement ) , we measure I , calculate dI/dt , and then L , being the only unknown , is determined .
12 Whereas things appeared stable in Britain at that time , overseas there existed events of change — in Italy there existed no unity and much of the land was occupied by the forces of Austria , but they were removed and in 1833 , a united Italy was advocated under Papal rule , but that proved not to be successful and it would be some years before Garibaldi was able to form the Italian National Association for the Unification of Italy which only achieved its objective in 1871 .
13 Edouard had never been to north Africa ; he was unprepared for the beauty of Algiers itself , and the magnificence of the surrounding country , with its rugged sunburned hills , its narrow winding roads which would suddenly open up on views of a vivid blue Mediterranean sea .
14 ( d ) Multi-national partnerships The Law Society has recently introduced provisions for the regulation of MNPs which will affect all foreign lawyers , whether or not from within the EC .
15 The close race of the weekend now has the makings of a landslide victory for the Governor of Arkansas who ten months ago was just an also-ran for the Democratic nomination .
16 In a statement to the conference the executive acknowledged the important role of the Ministers in preparing plans for the armistice , for the rehabilitation of world trade and commerce and for the reconstruction of Britain herself .
17 Mr Macnab rightly sees the Davis/Del Giudice conflict as a battle for the soul of Rank himself , with the two reflecting different sides of their ultimate boss .
18 To deal with the blood differential first : according to the later thinking of the tannaim ( rabbis of the first centuries AD ) , the reason for the Levitical laws of menstruation and childbirth was as punishment for the sin of Eve who brought about the death of Adam .
19 ‘ No , you see , Lady Woodleigh , it was not Miss Abernethie who was responsible for the death of Jack who went up the hill .
20 For the death of Osbern his son , he needed another lesson , which he would receive also .
21 The Hawaiian Islands have attained elevations well above sea level so their rates of growth have been much higher , with 0.44 km 3 a- 1 being estimated for the island of Hawaii itself .
22 Waterskiing and all the other activity including the building will debase the surroundings and spoil it for the people of Fairford which will be sad
23 DUE to the continuing uncertain future for the people of Cambodia I would like to suggest that those concerned write a letter to : The Rt Hon Alastair Goodlad MP , Minister of State , Foreign and Commonwealth Office , King Charles Street , London SW1A 2AH .
24 It 's said John Wayne started his acting career as an extra , so when you next watch Inspector Morse , look out for the people of Oxford who could be stars of the making .
25 The place for the people of Dynmouth he 'd said , was in their coffins .
26 At least the night held more relevance for the manager of England who , though watching a Dutch side deprived of most of its foreign-based players , now had a chance to run the rule over a Brazil team finally set to play at Wembley on March 28 .
27 There is a point here of immense importance for the understanding of Leonard which he shares with Layton ( who preferred to be regarded as a poet-prophet in the Hebrew tradition ) .
28 I reached for The Mayor of Casterbridge which I knew was somewhere in the bed .
29 During the middle of May it continued to sing after dark , often reaching a peak around midnight .
30 During the siege of Bristol he was taken ill with the plague and again feared for his life .
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