Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun] [noun] and [art] " in BNC.

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1 The other part of the problem is that I do not plan the talks for the winter meetings and the excursions very far ahead .
2 They come for the winter sports and the spectacular scenery .
3 On Nov. 15 the talks produced agreement on an end to Soviet support for the Najibullah government and a handover of power to an Islamic interim government .
4 The government on June 8 , 1990 , announced an environmental protection programme for the 12 worst polluted areas of Bulgaria , to include cuts in harmful atmospheric emissions , measures to clean rivers , and pollution control for the river Danube and the Black Sea .
5 Her work for the Eugenics Society and the Family Planning Association gave her a keen interest in population issues .
6 However for the new effort it is seeking out three types of indirect channel : simple resellers for the adaptor boards and a mixture of systems integrators and US OEM partners for the software side .
7 There are demands for the Monopolies Commission and the Office of Fair Trading to be called in .
8 After the war he favoured stronger support for the South Koreans and a more interventionist policy with regard to China than President Truman would entertain , retiring in 1951 and going into business and right wing Republican politics .
9 Halfway through our policy discussions in preparation for the citizens charter and the Bill , he obtained a leaked document containing the views of some officials .
10 4.2.3 [ bat are the financial implications for the dementia sufferer and the carer ? ( see also section on Personal Finance ) Any action plan arrived at should take into account not only the housing situation but also what effect the plan may have on the dementia sufferer .
11 ‘ It was a hair-raising experience at Ibiza because for the sea swim and the canoe leg we had to contend with very high winds and huge waves .
12 Softeners are usually large steel pressure vessels with supports for the zeolite filling and an arrangement of piping and valves so that either water or salt solution can be circulated through the bed .
13 The exhibition will include paintings , drawings , photography , prints , pottery and ceramics , sculpture and woodcarving , calligraphy and collage , and aims to raise money for the Education Centre and the Community Trust .
14 in a formal visit to an individual school a report is prepared for the education authority and the school ;
15 Result : no more internationals for the Sant' Elia and a frigidity on footballing relations between Ireland and the continent that lingers to this day .
16 Eyre went on to direct Benjamin Britten 's Curlew River for the Nexus Opera and the BBC in 1986 , and Peter Grimes for Opera North in 1989 .
17 The lane going east from the farm should be reserved for the return journey and the track heading south to Ease Gill preferred .
18 I was truthfully able to award eighteen points out of twenty for the spring onion soup , nineteen for the marinated chicken , nineteen for the mango mousse and the coconut pudding , and a full twenty for the fish curry ( Goans ca n't abide a meal without fish ; and expatriates have been driven to sprinkling dried fish on baked beans ) .
19 A variety of issues were discussed , including plans for the memorial garden and the issue of how money collected in the village should best be spent to benefit residents .
20 The production of tapes for the composition contractor and the taking of security versions of current work will also be carried out by Computer Services .
21 And they each do for the home buyer and the estate agent the same sort of thing .
22 Does not that augur well for the home owner and the property market in 1992 ?
23 They make leather for the clothing industry and the international recession has taken its toll .
24 In 1909 D. W. Griffith directed A Corner in Wheat for the Biograph Company and the New York Dramatic Mirror announced to its readers that ‘ this picture is not a picture drama , although it is presented with dramatic force .
25 Then you had to bring some into the yard which were put through the scrapper for the dairy cows and the young calves that were housed .
26 The character of the Northern Region can not be understood apart from its industrial history and the same holds for the Tyneside conurbation and the two locales which are the subject of this study .
27 Evidence for the United States and the UK on the hypothesis that efficiency is thereby improved appears fairly clear-cut ( see Thompson , 1983 and references cited therein ) .
28 Soviet strategic concerns in Latin America stem from the region 's status as a high priority area for the United States and the challenge thereby posed to the USSR as a rival superpower .
29 Deployment followed an agreement signed between Russian President Boris Yeltsin and Moldova 's Mircea Snegur on July 21 in Moscow envisaging special status for the Dnestr region and a right to self-determination in case of Moldova 's reunification with Romania .
30 one for the character name and a extra one point or something for , if you can the other one yeah .
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