Example sentences of "[prep] [art] [noun] [noun pl] ' company " in BNC.

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1 In the offices of the Sex Pistols ' company , Glitterbest , Branson became known as ‘ Mr Pickles ’ .
2 He became a freeman of the London Grocers ' Company on 7 July 1612 .
3 Figure 40 The buffet plate of the London Goldsmiths ' Company .
4 The overseas trade in cloth also contributed to the growing dominance of London , because exports were largely in the hands of the Merchant Adventurers ' Company , which was increasingly dominated by the London Mercers ' Company ( 64 ) .
5 Again , originally groups of ‘ adventurers ’ were recognized in trade with various lands — one trading with Prussia secured royal recognition in 1391 , another with the Netherlands in 1407 and a third with the Scandinavian lands in 1408 , but eventually the Netherlands group secured for itself the specific name of the Merchant Adventurers ' Company ( 64 , pp. 143–50 ) .
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