Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [adv prt] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Initially it is likely to get the Sbus versions of Freedom out into the Sparc-compatible market , and says it has already been approached by several of those suppliers .
2 This can be seen as a system for design in which the mapping of function on to the geometric domains is raised to the next level in which the requirement to manage and control the process is mapped on to the sub-processes or departments .
3 The microwave chimed and she hauled a still half-frozen block of chilli out on a big plate ; she started breaking it up with a large wooden spoon .
4 Being organised can take a great deal of worry out of a single life .
5 Secondly , it is of course up to the individual credit granter to decide whether or not to enter into a transaction requested by an individual customer .
6 This is , by definition , neither a penalty clause , nor a limitation of liability up to a certain amount , because it is supposed to be a genuine pre-estimate of the damage .
7 Half the Dale believes him to be some sort of wizard out of the western mountains , and folk such as Bragad will use the rumours .
8 The revenue gained from this reform should be used so that contributions rise by single percentage points over bands of income up to the upper earnings limit .
9 He and Compeyson had got a lot of money out of a rich lady some years before , and Arthur kept dreaming of this lady .
10 The locals , realising an opportunity when they saw one , ploughed increasing amounts of money back into the aspiring town and today the results are there for all to see .
11 Sergeant Morrison put his mug of tea down on the greasy bar and turned .
12 payments should be 100% of loss up to a certain limit , and tapered down in varying proportions thereafter .
13 Cyril emptied several grams of cocaine on to a circular mirror and began to cut it up with a razor blade .
14 Use a little royal icing to cement the two pieces of roof on to the sloping sides of the house , propping up the eaves with toothpicks too if necessary .
15 Heroic efforts alone could lift a poor man and woman , or even their children , out of the slough of demoralisation on to the firm plateau of respectability and , above all , define his position there .
16 The Polish replica moved the breaking of Enigma on from a theoretical exercise to a practical one and Knox always gave the Poles credit for the part they played .
17 You arrange to draw Bills of Exchange up to an agreed limit payable at a stipulated future date — the minimum for each individual bill is £50,000 .
18 And , as importantly , ‘ Young Americans ’ ( 1975 ) reintroduced black music , with all its connotations of forbidden pleasure , in the form of disco back into the mainstream white audience .
19 It was a shame , really , thought Robert as he lugged a crate of lemonade in through the front door , that it was also the day the whole place was due to be consumed in hell-fire .
20 Before the stone had come to a halt it was pounced upon by the entire family who gleefully heaved the unfortunate lump of granite out through the back door and out of their lives !
21 The concept reared up fully formed : the sparkling snowflake of Steel City fragmenting from the hub of fire , spilling bodies into vacuum , the debris plunging flaming spears of fall-out on to the dense towns of Earth .
22 If a man was lucky it was a case of pop in for a quick half , then home to a meal of bubble and squeak with the Missus .
23 It is worth looking at , for from it sprang his fund of knowledge along with the all-important Jewish scriptures and his family 's experiences with them in eastern Europe .
24 Asked to name sources of credit out of the blue , people might well simply leave out or forget about some sources which in practice they could use , if they were offered that type of credit when they were buying .
25 I watched him dip into a bucket and throw a scoopful of water on to the hot stones of the fire .
26 Each child could have a drink of water out of the shared cup , and could take a small piece of biscuit .
27 This is a depressing combination if you like your lap legends to have a modicum of grace along with a heavy right foot .
28 A crash of musketry off to the right flank betrayed that the farms to the west were under attack , but here in the centre , where the road led enticingly to the crossroads , the enemy was still hidden .
29 He goes to the Chinese desk , and takes a sheet of paper out of the Mexican paper-rack .
30 They moved out of Cheapside up towards the old city wall which housed the infamous gaol , past the small church of Nicholas Le Quern near Blow-Bladder Street and into the great open space before the prison .
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