Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [to-vb] through the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He listened to the door downstairs close and slipped out of bed to look through the window .
2 This includes allowing plenty of time to talk through the impact of events .
3 The divine was always there , waiting like lightning to break through the cloud , to be earthed by the conductors of worship , of the altar , the church building , the saint , alive or dead .
4 The size of the taps throughout the house is one of the few exceptions to scale , as an exact one twelfth in the plumbing system would have been too small for water to run through the pipes .
5 It was possible for a poor girl with talent to rise through the Tiller hierarchy .
6 On 16 April , the day of the vigil , I put on my smart suit for the last of the interviews and went into work to look through the papers .
7 One of the extraordinary features of British economic management over the past fifty years has been the inability of those in charge to comprehend the workings of ‘ lags ’ : the time it takes for the effect of a change in policy to work through the economy .
8 It was nevertheless US equipment that was most in the news , after the struggle in Congress to carry through the sale of F-15 Eagles to Saudi Arabia in the face of resolute opposition from Israel and its supporters in the American legislature .
9 The general ground swell of opinion in Washington enabled the ‘ American Firsters ’ in Congress to force through the MacMahon Act in August 1946 , making it a criminal offence to divulge classified atomic information to any other country , including Britain .
10 Consider a fictitious part that might be made on them in order to go through the network .
11 There was blood all over the windows , too , and Magee had to wipe it away with the sleeve of his coat in order to see through the windscreen .
12 Enforcement Officers require to have the Diploma in Consumer Affairs in order to progress through the career salary structure .
13 Enforcement Officers require to have the Diploma in Consumer Affairs in order to progress through the career salary structure .
14 In order to pass through the barrier you will need to explain the nature of your message briefly , although if it is confidential you must say so .
15 Success in education has come largely through a process of social indoctrination ; if the young person has been brought up in a supportive home which was valued education and encouraged the youngster to stick at the work in order to pass through the hoops which lead to higher education and the professional occupations , the young person has very often done well at school .
16 This ensures that each learner has a chance in class to go through the handout and study it .
17 But at 50°s ; F , it can take 72 hours for food to pass through the gut , and much below that temperature , digestion ceases , Koi fed on a warm winter 's day will then have to pass a cold winter night , when a gutful of even low-protein pellets can turn into a pathogenic sludge causing liver and kidney failure .
18 If some is present ( bearing in mind it can take 72 hours for food to pass through the gut ) , then continue with sinking wheatgerm .
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