Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [to-vb] at the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Bob Wilson was so confident that the deal would go through that some weeks before it was even completed he had given authorisation for work to begin at the Boeing factory in Seattle to modify the aircraft to British CAA regulations and finish it in the red and grey Virgin livery .
2 Seeing no future in hearts West then found the club switch and East took the next six club tricks , leaving only six tricks for declarer to collect at the end .
3 And I will also give you a good deal of freedom to look at the sea . ’
4 As it melted , the fuel 's chemical reaction with the surrounding water also caused a bubble of hydrogen to form at the top of the reactor vessel .
5 Given basic ability , equality of opportunity to borrow at the market rate of interest to invest in your human capital so as to secure a future return makes observed income inequality a matter of individual choice .
6 There is still a lot of work to do at the Training Centre . ’
7 You need a glass of wine to raise at the end of your speech if you are going to propose a toast .
8 Davis was the worst sort of person to have at the head of a monopolistic company .
9 Gradually , an expanse of intense colour and velvetine texture emerged ; the minute particles of pigment fell and dispersed causing a natural halo of colour to appear at the base of each panel .
10 They dynamited and burned our museums , and stole works of art to sell at the border with Thailand .
11 The fourth and final section takes leave of society to look at the realm of theory .
12 In 1987 the Department of the Environment set up a national review of homelessness to look at the implementation of the law relating to homelessness and to consider whether it needed changing .
13 The Attorney General would spend hours poring over the evidence before asking the Court of Appeal to look at the Courtney case .
14 At a time when we are on the threshold of change , indeed very considerable change , in local government and when our burghs which have been with us since the earliest times are about to disappear , it may be of interest to look at the burghs of Scotland prior to the passing of the Reform Act and their position in the election of Members for the Westminster Parliament .
15 For erosion to continue at the rates noted above it is necessary that the material supplied by the cliff should be transported away by the sea : otherwise there may be formed extensive beaches , spits , bars and comparable forms , which dissipate the energy of the waves and prevent , at least temporarily , the base of the cliff being attacked .
16 So Brett 'n' Damon ‘ m ’ me hand about playing Stackheel Olympics for a bit and then we go into town to look at the girls .
17 And perhaps she might agree to allow the circle to make some fine ones in lawn to sell at the bazaar and I could do some white Swiss eyelet embroidery on them .
18 This proved futile , and when I decided eventually to rise , it was still so dark that I was obliged to turn on the electric light in order to shave at the sink in the corner .
19 It was arranged that they should get the express train from Hanover in order to open at the Folies-Bergère on the very evening of their arrival .
20 We might also note that , in order to arrive at the implicature , we have to know certain.facts about the world , that garages sell petrol , and that round the corner is not a great distance away .
21 In order to arrive at the answers , it is necessary to go through a more or less logical process of analysis , based on market research — whether published , or commissioned by the client , or ( occasionally ) commissioned by the agency — and on knowledge and experience .
22 ‘ one who helps another to recognize and to follow the inspirations of grace in his life , in order to arrive at the end to which God is leading him ’ .
23 In order to arrive at the truth behind the idyll , I must return to the matter of attributions .
24 Likewise in ( 84 ) one can not hear a tune " come " from somewhere ( cf. the strangeness of * I heard the tune come from the top of the hill ) : its source of emission can only be identified by a process of deduction which interprets what is directly observed in order to arrive at the conclusion that the sound is coming from such-and-such a point .
25 Not all the hypocrites are equally resourceful , but they all exploit positions of trust in order to gain at the expense of others .
26 There are times when it is important to detach an action or an attitude in order to look at the mechanics of it .
27 In order to look at the effect that financial devolution , in the form of LMS , is likely to have , both on schools and on the quality of education , it may be helpful to look closely at what has happened in institutions that have already experienced various levels of financial autonomy .
28 It is also possible to add in new centres in order to look at the impact of potential new developments , including " What-if " analysis based around the attractiveness of the new centre .
29 Erm I think it 's just a little too much looking over their shoulder because sh to , to , in order to look at the camera she 's having to keep her eyes over really , yo you know really over to her er right , and erm it tends to be a little bit erm uncomfortable .
30 The children in each group are shown trying to escape from their parents in order to meet at the fortress ‘ den ’ .
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