Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [coord] [adv] to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Go through farmyard and on to road .
2 You can start at bronze for a period as short as three months through silver and up to gold which can take 18 months to complete .
3 It is a passport to altered states of consciousness and ultimately to self-realisation .
4 Some commentators — particularly Cockburn and Dearlove — have argued that this was a period of structural change in which local government became more clearly tied to the interests of capitalism and closer to business interests .
5 Most failures in examinations are due not to a deficiency of knowledge but chiefly to lack of familiarity with the techniques of playing the examination game .
6 7 On leaving wood turn right on footpath across garden of ex-railway cottage and follow along edge of golf course and by left side of clubhouse and on to track .
7 Judicial review is available not only to citizens ( individuals , corporations , trusts and so on ) with grievances against government but also to government bodies with a grievance against another government body .
8 These designs can reveal people at play during a party as in Les Rendezvous or on an ice-rink as in Les Patineurs ; they present the conflicting or subtle moods arising from the tragedy of lost youth and hope during war-time , as in Gloria ; or they show how deep sorrow gradually changes into resignation and on to exaltation as in Requiem .
9 His trauma after witnessing the effects of the massacre had led progressively to the loss of his job , a slide into alcoholism and then to crime :
10 Specialist staff within the Court will call upon CELEX , the database containing all Community legislation , to ascertain with certainty and up to date the state of any particular provision of Community law which comes into question .
11 Winterbottom , who led England out in honour of his 50th cap , was as vigilant as ever in defence and always to hand in attack .
12 They 're also looking at some of the data integrity erm issues one of which is potentially quite a major problem and the new system will for any qualifying plans , once the new system is in , if a policy 's in arrears it will try and collect the arrears and it will collect up to a maximum of two premiums each month until the policy 's in force and up to date .
13 For on the one hand the Athenian type of behaviour might seem to be quite incompatible with local state obligations in law and electorally to majority , articulated , social interests .
14 Six-year-old Dawn Jackson knows about the important things in life and how to style one 's hair when one gets older is high on the list of priorities .
15 Six-year-old Dawn Jackson knows about the important things in life and how to style one 's hair when one gets older is high on the list of priorities .
16 I could hardly conceive what it must be like in winter : the incessant darkness ; the piercing cold when the spray froze as it hit the deck and formed great blocks of ice at the bows ; howling gales and never-ending work ; then a few days in port and out to sea again , week after week , month after month .
17 Enter farmyard , turn right and keep right , to pass through gate and on to road .
18 They tend to attribute their successes more to luck and less to ability than men , and to be more influenceable .
19 A member of the Cambridge ‘ Apostles ’ , he was a communist before and during the war but later became more sympathetic , first to anarchism and then to syndicalism .
20 A. culicifacies , the sole vector in Sri Lanka , remains susceptible to BHC and malathion and malaria persists there ; in India , and possibly in Pakistan too , the same species shows ‘ pockets ’ of resistance to malathion and even to fenitrothion but extensive areas still exist where there is no evidence of organophosphate resistance .
21 No special methods were adopted to enhance the activity of bacteria oxidizing excreted ammonia ( produced from metabolism of proteins ) first to nitrite and then to nitrate .
22 Too often students go straight from school to college and on to university without seeing any action resulting from their studies .
23 One of the initiatives is to encourage more teacher placements in industry , so that those in education who have gone from school to college and back to school as teachers and who have not experienced life in industry or commerce can be exposed to it , the better to assist their pupils in preparing for a working career .
24 Accordingly , from the mid-1970s , research began to examine the perception and behaviour of individuals , and then to develop general conceptual and theoretical research , in a shift from the ‘ inductive ’ to the ‘ scientific ’ route shown in Figure I. I. Smith ( 1983 ) in another recent summary broadly agrees with Owens , and divides his textbook Recreation Geography into a four-stage continuum from description , to explanation , to prediction and finally to policy formulation .
25 During the exchange itself he 'd moved from suspicion to disbelief to disgust and finally to acceptance of Estabrook 's proposal .
26 If , as I have tried to show , the acquisition of the ego and superego were such important aspects of economic adaptation , first to hunting and then to cultivation , it is clear that the very success of the latter threatened to compromise the psychological foundations on which it was based .
27 The mill was originally converted from fulling to corn and then to silk in 1747 .
28 Allocations relate not only to borrowing but also to expenditure ( that is , loan sanction is given in line with expenditure allocations ) and are determined nationally to meet government public expenditure targets .
29 If a particular dimension ( usually left to right or up to down ) indicates a time scale as well as sequence this is called a time-line diagram .
30 He believed the decrees of God applied to salvation but not to damnation .
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