Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [coord] [verb] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 motor vehicles owned by the Secretary of State for Defence and used for the purposes of the disposal of bombs or explosives
2 He had left his regiment ( to his father 's exasperated disgust ) to learn about bloodstock and work for a while for a not over-reputable Irish trainer .
3 Today by some bonus of chance they were being left there to enjoy it and had not been interrupted with a call for tea or to go for a swim with Dad who had just come home .
4 This is a good place to rest for lunch or to visit for an evening out , for there is often live music in the restaurants and bars — folk , fado and jazz are all provided for .
5 Such a corporation , it was held , should have the same power to maintain an action for a libel by which its property is injured as the law allowed to a corporation at common law , and the power to sue for libel or slander for the protection of its reputation in the carrying on of its business .
6 With the birth less than six weeks away , Jacqui is juggling a hectic schedule between work and planning for the new arrival .
7 Entertainment was in the capable hands of instrument mechanic Dennis Brown , who acted as compere and arranged for a guest appearance by Blackpool duo Rendezvous .
8 Whatever level of public expenditure proves practicable , and however it is distributed , the primary source of support and care for the elderly people are informal and voluntary …
9 The permanent committee of Zaïre 's bishops had on March 2 criticized the " blocking " of democratisation and called for a national conference .
10 His two profoundly moving ballets , Gloria and Requiem , the one a poem for lost youth and hope through the onset of war and the other a song of mourning and praise for a departed friend , stand and fall by theaudience 's response to their message and not to the pre-eminence of a star .
11 — But it is for his gift of sympathy and understanding for the teachers who worked with him which far exceeded his obligation that I shall largely remember him .
12 Some fundamental steps in the constitutional development of the country were the Bill of Rights 1689 which limited the power of the monarch to rule by virtue of the royal prerogative and the Act of Settlement 1700 which further strengthened the power of Parliament and provided for the succession to the English throne .
13 But before that she would make a cup of tea and read for a bit .
14 He has suffered terrible injuries and he 's going to need a lot of help and care for the future . )
15 Dawn found me stretched out on the bench below the War Memorial in Glencoe Village soaking up the first warm rays of sun and waiting for the shop to open .
16 The barrage could have been a symbol of determination and hope for the Merseyside region .
17 Whether you are out of work and applying for a lot of jobs , or in employment but looking to change , there is only any point in applying for positions where you have a real chance of being successful .
18 But it should do more these days about practical matters — like the tax system and keeping yourself together while you 're out of work and waiting for the next job , for that is fifty percent of what you 'll be doing .
19 She felt them go round her , strong and decided against her dress , beneath her coat , and then he put his mouth on hers and began to kiss her , and for a moment she felt that she was flying , and the next minute she was clawing herself free with the superhuman strength of panic and stumbling for the door .
20 The requirement that homes should be a haven of peace and rest for the male breadwinner has set up a tension with an architectural notion of " rationality " which proclaimed bare simplicity , tidiness , and the importance of cooking and cleaning as work processes .
21 So though these remarks are addressed to beginners , I believe that some of the formal ideas could well be considered anew by the great number of talented young composers who are either clambering up the rungs of the ladder of fame or jostling for a foothold .
22 His early education came chiefly from his father , but in 1856 he enrolled at the Royal College of Chemistry and studied for a year under A. W. von Hoffmann , before becoming assistant chemist to J. T. Way at the Royal Agricultural Society .
23 Clearly , this is not practical in terms of safety or comfort for a small child .
24 Such was the sense of outrage and feeling for the family after the murder that collections were made in towns across the province .
25 This association calls upon Council to make strong representations , including the use of the normal information retrieval procedures , to both the Advertising Standards Authority and the Office of Fair Trading to control more effectively the current advertising of and the availability of credit and to press for a tightening of existing guidelines and legislation covering advertising loans , credit cards and other financial services , in order to make the full implications clearer to the consumer ( for example , the nature of a secured loan ) .
26 It 's much better than switching the light on in the middle of development and hoping for the ‘ effect ’ .
27 It 's much better than switching the light on in the middle of development and hoping for the ‘ effect ’ .
28 But he dreamed of a free Namibia , and asked the conference to send Swapo a message of solidarity and support for a massive victory in a free Namibian election .
29 DEC , Hewlett-Packard Co and IBM have yet to agree to adopt the software , but USL is trying to get their representatives there in a show of solidarity and support for the operating system .
30 Fiedler 's analysis can be described by a 3-dimensional cube in which one dimension represents the level of respect and trust for the leader amongst subordinates , a second dimension is the degree to which the tasks of the group are clearly defined , and a third dimension is the degree to which the leader has power and authority to reward or punish subordinates .
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