Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [adv] [subord] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They constitute agendas for research rather than a collection of findings and substantiated theories of social life .
2 But this was an excuse for confrontation rather than a cause .
3 Guillimont equalised midway through the first half from the penalty spot , while Manor were unlucky not to regain the lead when the referee blew for half-time just before a Lee Clutterbuck shot crossed the line .
4 For example , collocations extracted from the domain of Banking may be of little use when processing a medical report , since words like ’ charge ’ behave differently when used to describe a type of payment rather than a type of nurse .
5 Any approach that makes doubt a problem of faith rather than a problem of knowledge is wrong .
6 When he says Truth is God he is really making a confession of faith rather than a statement in the indicative mood .
7 Again , it must be remembered , the courts exercise a power of review rather than a power of appeal .
8 Carol had found my Sainsbury 's bag of booze faster than a sniffer dog could have .
9 The segmentation should be a consequence of recognition rather than a means to it .
10 Substitution of the to infinitive gives a somewhat different impression : the events seem to be evoked in a much more resultative fashion — as the fact of having been made to scream , the state of Byron 's feelings — that is , as an object of reflection rather than a recall of actual experience .
11 Courts , if they had been called upon to investigate people 's employment protection rights , might well have deemed some of them to have had one continuous employment relationship broken only by shortages of work rather than a series of different relationships .
12 War in Henry V is a test of kingship rather than a subject in its own right .
13 We sought to investigate the hypothesis that episodes of spontaneous gastro-oesophageal reflux cause reflex UOS relaxations , which may be the mechanism of regurgitation rather than a deficiency of basal UOS tone .
14 Rapid population growth was argued to be a result of poverty rather than a cause ( and causes were identified elsewhere in the relationship between developed capitalist and underdeveloped countries ) .
15 Perhaps this is because his problem is not a sociological one ; he is engaged in polemic rather than social theory and his work is built around an apocalyptic vision of the future of capitalism rather than a series of questions about social phenomena .
16 … reader instruction as at present interpreted remains largely instructional rather than educational , and emphasizes the value of the library as a storehouse of knowledge rather than a storehouse of wisdom and understanding .
17 Rebellion was a mark of achievement more than a sign of weakness .
18 The Prime Minister 's dramatic move was virtually a direct order to him to make contact and shortly afterwards it was announced Mr Delors would go to Number 10 at 12.45 pm after speaking at the London School of Economics less than a mile away .
19 He was , however , a preacher and a man of goodwill rather than a leader and man of action so that a change of leadership had become desirable when he retired .
20 I grew up with a thing about alcohol — I think that 's got a lot to do with why I preferred a line of coke rather than a drink .
21 A study of Dalcroze Eurythmics from which such ideas emanate is valuable , but the practice must be used with discretion if the resultant ballet is not to resemble an examination of machinery rather than a feeling fur the rhythm and shape of the engine that makes the dancers perform .
22 Labour 's Tony Blair said Britain needed a change of policy rather than a Premier hiding in his bunker .
23 The threshold of death was a way of access rather than a barrier between the two parts of the community .
24 And and it lends itself to interpretive kind of approach rather than a politics sort of approach which tends to be .
25 Secondly , it is better to focus on a specific cause of concern rather than a sense of general discontent .
26 The inner city becomes a problem of space rather than a problem in space .
27 ( The second vote was to be of significance only if a majority expressed a desire for change in the first . )
28 The test items themselves may indeed have been specified in terms of their subject matter but a norm-referenced test result is given as a measure of performance rather than a description of what examinees know .
29 Tonight I feel I 'd enjoy a pint of ale more than a text from the New Testament .
30 Greenpeace , however , argues that the priority must be the closure of nuclear power stations , not coal mines , implying an increase in the burning of coal rather than a decrease .
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