Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [pron] [prep] [art] time " in BNC.

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1 Whether the West 's prerogatives are real , and whether or not they are exercised , the resolution of the territorial controversy has removed the one bone of contention which for a time made the Warsaw Pact a community of shared anxiety .
2 The Bill would have altered the definition of rape which at the time was classified in the Italian Penal Code as a ‘ crime against morals and custom ’ , so that it became a crime of violence against the person .
3 Kursell v. Timber Operators ( 1927 C.A ) concerned the sale of timber which at the time the contract was made was still growing in a Latvian forest .
4 Yet they included gifted men , not only the Florentine pioneers of opera who for a time were still active as monodists — Peri 's Le varie musiche ( Florence , 1609 ) , Caccini 's posthumously published Nuove Musiche e nuova maniera di scriverle ( Florence , 1614 ) , Gagliano 's Musiche ( Venice , 1615 ) but younger composers : Sigismondo d'India ( c. 1580–1629 ) , Claudio Saracini ( 1586–after 1649 ) , and Domenico Belli ( fl. c. 1616 ) in the Florentine-Mantuan orbit .
5 … the communication in a commercial context of information which at the time is regarded by the giver and recognised by the recipient as confidential , and the nature of which has a material connection with the commercial interests of the party confiding that information , imposes on the recipient a fiduciary obligation to maintain that confidence thereafter unless the giver consents to relax it .
6 There were two female attendants on board who at the time were busy preparing beverages in the centrally situated galley .
7 ‘ But my chief at Liverpool CID would not let me take part , because he was away on holiday himself at the time , and required me to stand in for him .
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