Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [prep] the same [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We can assess the direct effect of age ( X 2 ) on preparedness to break the law controlling for income in the same way .
2 As part of the same struggle against destitution , meetings were organised to protest at increasing food prices and profiteering ; a large attendance at Canning Town Public Hall heard Sylvia Pankhurst and resolved to campaign for government price controls and votes for women ( SE 27 February 15 ) .
3 In the mid-1980s , drainage contractors in the Midlands are still moving in on river valleys , starting with the stream itself and then clearing every adjacent hedge and copse as part of the same contract .
4 Where the barn adjoined the dwelling it is called a laithe house , and often the stable and cow-house were built beyond the barn as part of the same range .
5 As part of the same operation Mossad is credited with the theft of enough uranium from a plant in Pennsylvannia to make six nuclear weapons .
6 The ‘ law ’ of natural evolution or development , especially when popularized by Herbert Spencer and applied to society , was said to parallel traditional Christian reliance on Divine Providence and meant that the expansion of Nonconformity at home and the extraordinary growth of British power and influence abroad could be seen as part of the same phenomenon .
7 Ethnomethodology is an organizational study of a member 's own knowledge of his ordinary affairs , of his own organized enterprises , where this knowledge is treated … as part of the same setting that it also makes orderable ( Garfinkel 1974 : 18 )
8 Increasingly , American expatriates are finding themselves returning home and , as part of the same process , many US executives have found opportunities with European and other foreign firms based in the USA who also favour the employment of nationals .
9 In the same way , girls ( as part of the same process ) can be socialized to assume a posture of physical ineptitude even when it may be inappropriate .
10 As part of the same announcement , Cognos , which derives the vast majority of its business from the proprietary mini world — 20,000 of its 35,000 PowerHouse licences worldwide are on its traditional platforms like Hewlett-Packard MPE or Data General MV — is positioning Cognos as a client/server tool , with the Unix platforms as servers and Microsoft Windows 3. x as clients .
11 He has to serve the church by articulating its teaching , and at the same time , and as part of the same task , to explore and clarify the understanding it contains .
12 As part of the same appeal , Pope John Paul II and the Catholic Bishops ' Conferences of Europe call on every Catholic Church in Europe to set aside New Year 's Day as a ‘ special day of prayer for peace in Europe , and in particular in the Balkans ’ .
13 The repair of derelict , and the construction of new , buildings connected with these estates could be seen as part of the same policy .
14 Accordingly , depending upon whether a bank holder of a bill of lading sued in the United States or in England he could get $500 instead of £100 for loss of the same package or unit of freight .
15 He was arrested for theft on the same day as my godson , each in a different part of Brighton .
16 I have proved this to some extent by night netting , when I have found I could get a double catch off the same ground by netting both before and after midnight in the same night .
17 There is a proviso to the definition which excepts a licence granted to premises which have been rebuilt after destruction in the same form as the previous licence from being a new licence .
18 She hadgone to Banbury social services for help at the same time as her cousin Ian Barnes .
19 If so , you may look for work of the same status , remunerated at the same level , for a reasonable time , without having your compensation reduced as a result .
20 You may refuse to believe it 's happened to you : some people who 've been made redundant pretend everything 's the way it was and set off for work at the same time , then spend hours hanging around the streets , teashops or libraries until they can go home at the usual time .
21 Venturing to the second stage , they could have their names and homelands recorded on a list published the follow ing day in Le Figaro de la Tour Eiffel certain proof to less privileged friends and relatives that they had indeed visited this engineering marvel — or could pen lines of poetry for inclusion in the same journal .
22 The problem is one of the continuing dominance of traditional models of assessment at the same time as trying to introduce other models based on quite different educational premises .
23 Pile up all the layers of seaweed in the same way as you would ordinary pressed material ( see p. 38 ) and leave them overnight , lightly weighted down with a couple of books .
24 Literary studies in action approaches the study of literature in the same way that a comparatively naive undergraduate reader approaches it : as a conglomeration of linguistic and literary forms , functions and meanings , all operating at once and all of which have somehow to be deciphered in order to gain access to the text , and explained in order to facilitate the production of adequate essays .
25 The transfer function of the low-pass prototype is given by equation ( 12.12 ) and substituting expression ( 12.43 ) for s generates the modified transfer function On the other hand , direct analysis of the network of figure ( 12.4 ) yields or which is of course of the same form .
26 Expectancy effect may , for instance , be behind the otherwise inexplicable phenomenon of misidentification of the same suspect by a number of independent witnesses .
27 Women are not , however , forced into the worst aspects of this trade by their lack of money to the same extent as they used to be .
28 But Weber did not elaborate the process of creativity to the same extent as Freud .
29 And so , if I was wicked enough , he would keep me till I was undone and till his mind changed for even wicked men , I have read , soon grow weary of wickedness with the same person , and love variety .
30 A tenant has no right to deduct tax that should have been deducted from earlier payments of rent to a non-resident landlord from later payments of rent to the same landlord .
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