Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [prep] [num] [noun pl] ' " in BNC.

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1 Meiriona Davies ( Mrs Bielawski , formerly Mrs Noon ) , is an experienced careers of ficer of twenty years ' standing : ‘ Still doing it , but government policy means we shall probably soon cease to exist as a public service , so I shall no doubt be looking for something else unless by great good fortune the Tories lose power ! ’
2 I discuss induction of labour at 42 weeks ' gestation in an otherwise uncomplicated pregnancy and offer it if the cervix is favourable and the woman keen to be delivered .
3 The figure shows the prospective risk of stillbirth at 23–42 weeks ' gestation for all births in Japan and the cumulative percentage of stillbirths .
4 But councillors are urging officials to get on with spending because the authority could go out of business in two years ' time if local government is reorganised .
5 Puritans also viewed breaches of traditional , Christian sexual morality in a serious light ; in 1650 , the Rump Parliament passed an Adultery Act , which sought to punish those convicted of fornication with three months ' imprisonment , and those found guilty of adultery with death .
6 What was the use of tallies that might , perhaps , be valid in theory , and even capable of being turned into cash in six months ' time , or a year , but were so much paper now , and no use to disgruntled archers and men-at-arms whose need was for coin that could be spent at once ?
7 The overcast sky was merged with spume as the salt spray stifled easy breathing and they were losing their battle with fatigue after 20 hours ' paddling .
8 Japanese car company , Mazda , has produced a hydrogen-powered prototype vehicle , which it claims could go into production in eight years ' time .
9 A pilot study at St George 's Hospital in London has suggested that quadruple treatment with rifampicin , ethambutol , isoniazid , and pyrazinamide or clofazamine may be of value , with 10 of 20 patients remaining in remission after nine months ' treatment .
10 But despite the ‘ scariest moment ’ of his life , James said he would be back in action in four weeks ' time at the Dundrod 150 .
11 FOOTBALL : Middlesbrough midfielder Gary Hamilton is to have a testimonial match in recognition of ten years ' service .
12 More than half teenage marriages are likely to end in divorce by twenty-five years ' duration at risks current in 1979–82 ( Haskey 1984 ) .
13 ‘ The Adventists have an agreement with the Town Hall to give each woman 100 pounds weight of donated US foods monthly , in exchange for three days ' municipal work a week . ’
14 Yet judging from the book , the case material lacks an essential element of realism , in spite of 30 years ' development and three editions .
15 The second common mistake ( not made in this case ) is to impose a sentence for an either way offence for which the offender has been committed under Criminal Justice Act 1967 , s.S6 a sentence in excess of six months ' imprisonment , which is possible if the offender is committed for the same offence under Magistrates ' Courts Act 1980 , s.38 .
16 Juvenile — juvenile subject to maximum term of twelve months ' detention in a young offender institution — effect of sentence in excess of twelve months ' detention in young offender institution — whether Court of Appeal may substitute sentence of detention under Children and Young Persons Act 1933 section 53(2)
17 On Sept. 9 former Emperor Jean-Bedel Bokassa had his sentence reduced from life to 20 years ' hard labour .
18 Roderick Newall , who has been held in Gibraltar since being arrested at sea last August , was kept in hospital for three hours ' observation before being returned to prison .
19 Clinton will be back in training in three weeks ' time .
20 Fleck should be back soon to sharpen that attack , but for today Stringer names an unchanged squad of 13 to meet a side which has Sutton back in goal after five games ' absence at the expense of Crossley .
21 The therapist agreed to see Pamela as in outpatient in 5 days ' time to provide her with a further chance to talk about her difficulties and also to provide her with support .
22 I went to university for five years ' study .
23 The EC wants all women to have the right to return to work after 14 weeks ' paid leave , but it looks as though British women will receive sick pay , rather than full pay .
24 Prices ( including flights ) based on the Taj Holiday Village where I stayed my first week start at £566 per person for seven days ' bed and breakfast ( £738 for fourteen days ) .
25 No default judgment can be entered against the Crown save by leave of the court on application on seven days ' notice ( Ord 42 , r 5(4) ) , nor can summary judgment be given against the Crown under Ord 9 , r 14 ( Ord 42 , r 5(5) ) .
26 Comparison of effect of prescribing unit and new index on relation between 80 practices ' prescribing data and family health services authority average .
27 In January 1919 , the superintendent-nurse , Miss Price , returned to duty after two months ' sick leave ( which had started on Armistice Day ) .
28 Mr Lamont forecasts that the economy will be growing at the rate of three per cent per year in 12 months ' time ; he would have carried more conviction , if he had not made the same ‘ jam tomorrow ’ forecast a year ago .
29 The stimulus of the Commander 's benzedrine tablets was wearing off as he swam out to sea after three hours ' creeping and sliding around the beach , and now , his senses dulled by a chilling exhaustion , he felt the first pangs of doubt : would Roger Courtney see the flickering torch among the waves before an enemy patrol boat caught sight of it ?
30 But to realise the blossoming of those parties is Labour 's most important challenge , the key to power in four years ' time .
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