Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [prep] [noun] to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She was also a leader in the struggle for admission of women to fellowship in the London Chemical Society .
2 At one end of the scale a production manager may regularly use some quite advanced statistical methods as part of day to day control .
3 Regarding the more specialised applications which seem to use the algebra ( of the type presented here ) in an essential way , the theory of groups , being ( in a rather wide sense ) the mathematical formulation of symmetry , is naturally widely employed in physics and chemistry — for instance in applications to crystallography , spectroscopy , general relativity , molecular vibrations , molecular orbitals , solid state physics and especially in the modern theory of elementary particles .
4 Life was not all work and no play for women any more than for men ; even if they had chores to do at home , the women compositors — who almost by definition young and/or unmarried — had the chance to escape duty for pleasure from time to time .
5 Seventy-two per cent of those who had previously worked were currently unemployed as a direct result of their heroin use : 17 were dismissed for continual lateness and/or absenteeism ; two were dismissed for theft from work to finance their habit ; two lost their jobs when they were imprisoned for burglary or possession of heroin ; one was dismissed after two years of illness related to his drug use ; and one went bankrupt trying to support his habit .
6 Moreover , the claimant who has been successful in a case like the one in which the SCC judgement was rendered can bring an action for compensation of any additional financial damage sustained and/or for compensation for injury to feeling .
7 It became increasingly difficult for assistance from outside to reach the nationalists , and their united front with the communists was no more than skin deep , but even so the Japanese could not extract a surrender .
8 Although local authorities and social service departments are in the process of developing systems of assessment in relation to care management , there has been little debate about the principles which ought to underpin assessment processes , nor about the purpose , scope , and content of comprehensive assessment with older people .
9 But in using the Comtean notion of progress from superstition to science as the mental counterpart of Darwin 's physical progression from ape to man the Tylorians simply evaded the issue .
10 One example of such a model is that of Vidale and Wolfe who related the rate of change of sales to advertising by the equation : unc where S = sales at time t ds/dt = rate of change of sales at time A = advertising expenditure at time r = sales response factor ( sales generated per unit of advertising expenditure ) M = saturation level of sales ( sales maximum )
11 Until 1948 , the Poor Law required children to maintain their parents and the law was implemented with varying degrees of rigour from district to district .
12 A hive-up of the business from Target to Newco is normally in consideration of payment by Newco to Target , which will usually be loaned back to Newco and left outstanding on inter-company loan account .
13 For example , although some companies will be happy to maintain foreign prices as a multiple of the UK price , this will not satisfy a company that needs to hold multi-currency price lists reflecting the different terms of payment from country to country .
14 These features now make PC-Write suitable for all levels of user from novice to expert .
15 These features now make PC-Write suitable for all levels of user from novice to expert .
16 Within the crowded streets and lively squares of the city lie a plethora of tiny open-air stalls selling everything from incense to caged pigeons , over six thousand restaurants serving the gamut of cuisine from Korean to French , and an array of gleaming hitech buildings housing progressive computer companies and financial whizzes .
17 Only Flaubert of these novelists applied the lessons of contingency in content to contingency in form .
18 Safe working practices and procedures are the first line of defence against exposure to hepatitis B infection , but vaccination is essential to protect workers who are at risk .
19 ‘ Their effect will be to require the same accuracy of description in relation to property sales as is already required of sellers of goods and other service providers .
20 It is not enough to think of a murder and who committed it and why what is not immediately obvious , and then to take some setting that seems interesting and simply introduce chunks of description from time to time .
21 In the hotly contested litigation between AM&S Europe Limited and the Commission , the European Court decided that the Commission had the sole power to adjudicate on claims of privilege in relation to advice or other documentation passing between a lawyer and his client which might be examined by the Commission in investigations under the competition rules .
22 Class and gender are also seen as important dimensions of inequality in addition to race and age ; the cumulative effect of these factors has , in turn , led to consideration of triple or ‘ multiple ’ jeopardies in describing the experience of different subgroups , particularly within the black population ( Norman , 1985 ) .
23 Studies of agriculture in relation to climate change ;
24 Its membership and its political weight varied of course from time to time with the personality of the monarch and with changing circumstances .
25 It is agreed that an appropriate vehicle for the transport of the plaintiff in the future is a vehicle called a Nissan Serena , the plaintiff claims for a cost of conversion of such a vehicle at six thousand , two hundred pounds , it would need to be renewed of course from time to time and allowances made for that , the defendant says that a firm called can convert the same vehicle for less than the tenth of the price , six hundred pounds , Mr says that such advantages , if any , of the conversion for which the plaintiff claims are so minimal that it can not possibly be right to spend ten times the money on achieving them .
26 It would require his more frequent presence in the constituency , presence all the harder to contrive of course in proportion to distance from Westminster .
27 v. Hearn the defendants , in order to protest against apartheid , threatened to instruct the members of their union to commit breaches of contract in relation to broadcast by satellite to South Africa of the 1977 Cup Final .
28 Cholesterol nucleation occurs from phospholipid cholesterol vesicles , the main carriers of cholesterol in addition to bile acid phospholipid cholesterol mixed micelles .
29 The term ‘ carrier ’ seems to have been coined in Anglo-American legal discourse largely to aid in the assessment of liability for damage to cargo .
30 Even if firms were completely market orientated , they would still make errors of judgement from time to time .
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