Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [verb] [pers pn] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 At the most he could try to plead some implied term into the contract that the goods would last for a reasonable time after delivery to allow him a reasonable period of trouble-free use .
2 The parade converges on Place St Maur des Fosses to hear a few words from the local Euro-MP , because the EC has stumped up a bit of money to make it a European clowns ' convention this year .
3 He was immediately dispatched to the scene , where his energy , intelligence and presence of mind made him the chief decision-taker in the first days after the explosion of reactor number four .
4 In the last-named work he opened up lines of interpretation which , even if somewhat modified since , set firm foundations on which other scholars might build : the exuberant vigour and almost Niagara-like outpouring of scholarship gave it a memorable quality .
5 Now that you are completing the preliminary studies and will shortly be embarking on the more complicated part of the syllabus , I feel that , at this stage , it would be of benefit to give you the following lessons in an endeavour to press home to you the importance and value of your continued perseverance .
6 DEF is well known to us and would be a different sort of purchaser giving you the German influence .
7 Our specialists can advise you on the type of cover you need — and our experience and understanding of business gives us a big advantage when it comes to identifying key persons and assessing the size and type of cover necessary .
8 5 You can take the Braun Plaque Remover on holiday — one night of recharging gives you a good 10 days of power if you brush your teeth twice a day for two minutes .
9 Odd hairs straggled out of various warts , and the brown freckles of age gave them a strange resemblance to the stones .
10 It does not rely on its tail and the downward pull of gravity to give it a secure grip .
11 The Committee not only recommended statutory provision making all surrogacy agreements illegal and therefore unenforceable in the courts , but also called for the introduction of legislation rendering it a criminal act for any person to assist in the establishment of a surrogate pregnancy .
12 Haeckel reconstructed the tree of life to give it a main trunk or stem with the human race at the top : all developments in other directions were merely side branches of little real importance .
13 She , Madame Gauthier , wife of the proprietor , had her business to attend to , and this kind of scandal did it no good at all .
14 To enable the House and the country to clear the matter up , will the Secretary of State tell us the correct figure ?
15 Can the Secretary of State tell us the real social cost to our country of the devastation of our manufacturing industry and our economy ?
16 The ideal toy is very light , so that only a small amount of effort moves it a long way , and very soft , so that sharp feline claws and teeth can sink into it in a satisfying way .
17 The element of risk gave it an added excitement .
18 Its full-length widows give the appearance , appropriately enough , of a power house , and the quantity of glass gives it a modern , almost Bauhaus feel .
19 The Allegrini has a pleasant , bitter cherry finish — the touch of austerity making it an ideal foil to buttery pasta .
20 That piece of information gave her a severe jolt of alarm .
21 Being out of school gave him a wonderful feeling .
22 However , their low cost ( Notes retails at around £400 , WFWG at £149 ) and ease of implementation make them a viable proposition for the small company , and will probably result in their becoming much more influential in the long term .
23 Richards argued that the suburb 's slow accretion of detail made it a contemporary form of vernacular architecture , in the picturesque tradition .
24 The versatility of gouache makes it an ideal medium for working in the rugged New Zealand landscape .
25 The employee behind the check in desk gave me a huge smile and welcomed me to the airport , gave me my seat reservation card and wished me a good journey .
26 Secure accommodation in child care us a chameleon-like provision : sometimes a last-ditch strategy to avoid custody for a child otherwise bound there .
27 This in turn made it a simple matter to adapt Watt 's engine to provide rotary motion .
28 Scenes are also still hand-coloured in order to give them the classic Disney feel , but developments in automatic colouring systems could well change this before too long .
29 The script had him deliver a line that was in sharp contrast to most of the seemingly right-wing reactionary statements he was making whenever a camera was n't turning or when a curtain was not up : ‘ Extraordinary theory — you bend a child double in order to give him an upright character . ’
30 National Power was given 70 per cent of the CEGB 's generating capacity in order to give it an economic mix of power .
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