Example sentences of "[prep] [adv] [v-ing] to [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The Communist parties inevitably lost credibility as a result of staunchly adhering to the Comintern line throughout the series of volte-face involved in the Nazi-Soviet pact of 1939 and the subsequent German invasion of Soviet Russia in June 1941 .
2 So instead of automatically going to the timber yard and buying new timber , how about looking around at potential sources of second-hand timber and giving the poor old environment a helping hand ?
3 Instead of now referring to the child as something for us to share , Sarah started saying it was hers .
4 Such actions may be indicative of a climate of fear , or of caution , or of simply teaching to the test .
5 It resulted in the erm extra requirement for security which does happen to which Mr has referred and I I think it 's it 's very very important to realise that if that three party cooperation can be achieved as it should be , bearing in mind what Simon says that we are going to have to do this , with horrendous problems in the youth and community project in the future and we would be failing completely in our duty , not just to the people of Highfields , but to the people of this whole county if we simply allowed politics , as has been done in the past , to lead to entrenched positions and the idea of simply saying to the director , we are in a mess therefore will you please deal with it all is I think wildly irresponsible and I 'm very very surprised indeed that erm that point should be put .
6 Even if changes in South Africa bring the war to an end in the near future , the costs of simply returning to the situation before the war are enormous , both in terms of the capital cost of replacing destroyed and damaged schools , and the running costs of the system .
7 Unfortunately I 'm going to be busy for most of today lecturing to a group of Japanese businessmen , so I 'll have to leave you in the hands of my assistant .
8 Erm so quite apart from fro from that , this approach to the whole question concentrating on parental investment and female choice would not only make us sensitive to female choice in the sense of either submitting to a male or not but secondly it would make us er wonder what happened even after a female had mated and we could predict could n't we that females ought to be discriminating abou about the subsequent fate of any fertilized erm zygote and indeed there 's plenty of evidence to show that human females highly discriminated and far from passive even after they 've been fertilized .
9 But I think all the silliness is all part of actually adjusting to the condom , and something to do with the embarrassment that because they do n't know enough about it they , they do n't want to be er , seen to be silly
10 The police say the the Baroness was dealt with properly according to the law .
11 The ESO has the advantage of offering greater scope for really getting to the root of truancy problems by keeping the education welfare service in close contact with the families with which it has been working .
12 The choice of this unyielding , deeply religious man for this particular post was a sharp reminder that , when it came to how Spaniards viewed their own country and the outside world , and to how outsiders would see Spain , their opinions would still be shaped from above according to the scale of values which had informed the Franco regime from the start .
13 Leaving the ever-increasing fitness demands on players aside , the chief weakness of the Sicily schedule was that it mixed a pool-based round-robin format , which creates a precise and fair hierarchy , with a league system , which reshuffles the pack and can end up rewarding skilful planning rather than success on the field , before finally moving to a knock-out format .
14 Bush had blocked or vetoed two bills before finally agreeing to a compromise formula which had extended benefits for 13 or 20 weeks beyond the standard 26 weeks of benefits provided under state unemployment programmes [ see pp. 38428 ; 38521 ; 38568 ] .
15 ‘ Thank you , I enjoyed being a part of that , ’ she said gravely , as the procession wended its way off around the village before finally returning to the church .
16 Every day , we make countless decisions — decisions based upon either clinging to the past or reaching for the future .
17 Note Clock Tower and track to right leading to the Cricket Green , just beyond the block of shops .
18 The first three kinds of honorific were clearly distinguished by Comrie ( 1976b ) , who pointed out that traditional descriptions have often confused ( i ) and ( ii ) : the distinction is that in ( i ) respect can only be conveyed by referring to the " target " of the respect , whereas in ( ii ) it can be conveyed without necessarily referring to the target .
19 The ‘ social optimality ’ approach can be refined to deal with the problem without necessarily resorting to the conclusion that ‘ self-interest ’ on the part of politicians and bureaucrats is proven .
20 Erm first of all if I may just er point out that the example I put with my paper that I have submitted today , and I thank you for the er indulgence in allowing me to produce it so late , was simply that there was one particular appeal of decision where an inspector remarked particularly on the lack of a local or a development plan policy relating to generally relating to the countryside .
21 The overall picture presented in his article is a little less clear than it might be , if only because of the multiplicity of interesting observations ( fortunately Bolinger provides us with copious examples ) but it may be summarized as follows : ( a ) Adjectives may qualify either the referent of a noun or its sense without simultaneously applying to the other .
22 Both Lord Coleridge C.J. and Smith J. relied on Morgan v. Palmer ; Smith J. also invoked Steele v. Williams , 8 Ex. 625 , without however referring to the judgment of Martin B. Neither referred to the power of immediate distress .
23 Without specifically referring to the letter to Mr. Choudhury , he quashed both decisions by the appeal committee .
24 Questions like these in the consultant 's mind led to fanning a small positive spark in seemingly totally negative behaviour , and this made a difference to Mr E both in relation to his colleagues in the group , and as Dave 's teacher to whom a way out of a vicious circle of perpetual defeat could in this way be illustrated , again without explicitly referring to the analogy of the situation .
25 It seems yonks since leeds were last on TV , the pleasure of going down the pub and getting tanked whilst being generally rowdy and watching the footy is a joy to behold , second only to actually going to the game itself … not long to go now …
26 He wove these and other influences from Florentine contemporaries into a distinctive manner , at once responding to the plastic values of Donatello but never renouncing an almost calligraphic approach to outlines and drapery .
27 Erm sometimes erm it seems , at least according to the study , that um and possibly also the the Russell study , that often the abuse stops when something 's done by the , in inverted commas , the victim .
28 A DRC theologian had caused a sensation the previous day by openly confessing to a sense of sin and guilt over the church 's support for apartheid .
29 It would involve the abandonment of rigid conceptualism : the rejection , in other words , of a formal mechanical set of criteria adding up to the concept of adultery which allows hard problems to be solved with apparent ease by simply referring to a formula without examining the deeper issues of justice involved in the case .
30 He is not impressed by the idea of suggestion as the basis of crowd behaviour , for no explanation is given by simply referring to the suggestibility of people as the reason for crowds being influenced by leaders .
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