Example sentences of "[prep] [adv] [adv] in [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A good woman , someone had explained to him on the road from Brighouse , the widow of Radical Jack Thackray , something of a local hero , who had been cut down by a sabre at St Peter 's Fields in Manchester , asking for rather less in the way of electoral reform than Daniel himself was demanding now .
2 It 's fair to say , however , that he put himself about rather more in the red and white of Sunderland than he did on Tuesday in the orange of the Liberal Democrats .
3 There are n't many flowers about so early in the year .
4 Whether this policy can be continued for much longer in the face of the decline in scruples shown by the large drug syndicates who are raking in huge profits from sales of cannabis , heroin and cocaine , remains to be seen .
5 Sometimes , of course , all that had arisen was a lump of anxiety in her throat at being interrupted for so long in the middle of work which required a high degree of concentration and often had to be done to a deadline .
6 ‘ It 's one of the fastest times I can remember for so early in the season , ’ said Christie .
7 ‘ I played pretty well for so early in the tournament , ’ said Seles after handing the French girl her third successive first round defeat here .
8 The feel of the sun on our skins again was wonderful and even with our eyes covered the brightness of the sunlight was dazzling after so long in the gloom .
9 ‘ Strange Free World ’ is a neon-lit switchback rider after too long in the grime of squatterdom .
10 I can assure them of even more in the future .
11 Indeed , one might hope for still more in the way of functional explanation much of the syntactic machinery of a language seems to be concerned with the linear re-organization of material in sentences ( as in passive or topicalized constructions ) , a re-organization which does not seem substantially to affect the ( truth-conditional ) semantic content .
12 The Atlantic and the Indian Ocean receive their due share of tropical cyclonic storms too , but in the Pacific , because of its vastness , they are visitations of destruction and tragedy like nowhere else in the world .
13 Who on earth was thumping at the door like that early in the morning ?
14 This is a relatively minor example of the way in which memories of past events can be locked into muscles in spasm , a subject which will be dealt with more fully in the section on ego-strengthening .
15 A magistrates ' court may transfer private law proceedings where in the interests of the child they could be dealt with more appropriately in the county court ( APO , art 8 ) .
16 Applications for premature retirement erm they 're dealt with slightly differently in the sense that once an application 's actually approved , you will be issued with this with this form or a similar form to this one .
17 Their inhabitants were fiercely proud of the unique nature of , say , Bradford as opposed to Leeds , Birmingham contrasted with the neighbouring Black Country towns , and Manchester compared with anywhere else in the world .
18 In other words , women 's professional golf is a career which calls for far more in the way of personal sacrifice than most are prepared to acknowledge .
19 From somewhere far-off in the building , he could hear a faint echo of the nurses ' choir .
20 We tried out The Roundhouse for a while , even interrupting a World Service broadcast which was going out live from somewhere else in the building while we were bashing through a rehearsal — probably our first public airing .
21 And then there was a sound from somewhere else in the space station .
22 If we are listening to a story and somebody says So I ate it we may well know the meaning of it from somewhere earlier in the story .
23 The turbo version of the new Golf Diesel is not due until much later in the year .
24 The word ‘ championship ’ , however , no matter how much he may have been thinking about it privately , I did not hear from him until much later in the year , when the scales began to tip in his favour .
25 which we did , and I 'm pleased to say that they endorsed that that general position , in other words their not going to come to a conclusion whether or not they should take any part in the proceedings , whether they should intervene or seek to stop the project until much later in the day .
26 Impressive through this is , The Shamen do n't play their real trump cards until far later in the set .
27 Impressive through this is , The Shamen do n't play their real trump cards until far later in the set .
28 The attempt is found occasionally in the work of their pupils , and at this time becomes quite frequent , but in vase-painting at least it is not successfully achieved until quite late in the century .
29 At Brighton , Dr Schramm speculated that neutrinos might all have been massless until quite late in the story , when the average energy of the neutrinos would have dropped below some threshold , making the three neutrinos develop their masses .
30 But the irony is that this perception was not clearly shared by the Conservative high command , at least until quite late in the campaign .
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