Example sentences of "[prep] [adv] [art] [det] [noun pl] before " in BNC.

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1 The Doctor had watched the fight , without interest , for only a few minutes before setting off once again into the surrounding forest of knotted shapes .
2 As we all know , it is a matter of only a few weeks before the joyous day when the boot will be on the other foot and the right hon. Gentleman will be sitting on the Opposition Front Bench making speeches on timetable motions .
3 In one case , a man was interviewed twice weekly for an hour , over a period of eight months , until only a few months before his death .
4 Rub the meat with salt ( about a couple of tablespoonsful ) and let it stand overnight or at least a few hours before cutting it into 1 ½-inch thick strips along the grooves left by the bones .
5 The contains no explicit stipulation that the muderris should also act as mufti of Manisa — or , alternatively , that the mufti of Manisa should act as muderris — but it would appear that by at least a few years before 944/1537–8 , if not earlier , such had become the practice . "
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