Example sentences of "[prep] [adv] [art] same [noun] as " in BNC.

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1 And ethnicity turns into separatist nationalism for much the same reasons as colonial liberation movements establish their states within the frontiers of the preceding colonial empires .
2 We may have moved on from the steel nib and the blackboard , but are we not educating our children for much the same reasons as we were 50 years ago ?
3 Denmark joined the EEC for much the same reasons as the British did : she wished to ensure that she was not excluded from a large ‘ home ’ market , particularly for her agricultural products .
4 For much the same reason as suggested in the last paragraph , this seems a course of action which in practice would be ruled out for many of them by financial constraints : so again , for many , just wishful thinking .
5 For much the same reason as I did .
6 Because he wanted a stronger and healthier nation , for much the same reason as Hitler did , on the other side of the Alps — to turn the men into warriors and the women into the mothers of warriors — he started what were known as colonie marine e montane , to which needy children were sent on holiday .
7 There is no stratosphere ‘ bulge ’ of temperature for much the same reason as there is no such bulge in the Martian atmosphere ( question 3.13 ) .
8 And for much the same reason as for Mars the thermosphere of Venus only reaches modest temperatures ( section 3.4.1 ) .
9 And it was n't Sky 's fault that I used to watch better football at Barnet for exactly the same price as the weekly rental price of a satellite dish .
10 Book Club Europe Drive at the same time as your flight and you could be driving a luxurious Ford Granada Scorpio for exactly the same price as a Ford Sierra 1.6L .
11 The two sets of genes can be expected to ‘ pull together ’ for just the same reasons as all the genes of one individual organism normally pull together .
12 The Council of Europe , an international organisation of European states , of much the same character as the United Nations Organisation , is in no way a part of the constitution of the United Kingdom .
13 Finally , the tessellation of the latter , although comprising tesserae of much the same size as those in the former , presents perceptible differences in the shape of tesserae ( often jagged ) , and uses fewer tesserae to cover a given area .
14 She wore a bulky mock-leather jacket of much the same colour as the local brick , a tweed skirt and even in that light , wrap-around sunglasses .
15 But surely Stevenson greatly underestimates the place which the attitude theory can allow for rationality in ethics of much the same sort as is thought desirable in science , history or philosophy .
16 In Tuscany and Umbria to this day there are countless hill towns of much the same age as the hill forts of southern England — a few of them much older .
17 In 1623 an elderly Roman organist , Paolo Quagliati ( C. 1555–1628 ) included in his Sfera armoniosa a duetto da camera for two sopranos and violino obligato in three sections distinguished by different characters , different metres , and ( obviously ) different tempi : EX. 87(ii) is a triple-time aria of exactly the same type as those by Berti and d'India just mentioned .
18 He can however close out the position by simply buying an option of exactly the same description as the one he had previously sold .
19 The most important point , however , that emerged from Hartner 's investigation was that by 503 BC the Babylonian astronomer-priests had discovered that the tropical year ( the year of the seasons ) is not of exactly the same length as the sidereal year ( the ‘ true ’ astronomical year ) .
20 ‘ East or west all woods must fail ’ is then a statement of exactly the same class as ‘ The Road goes ever on and on ’ : literally true , literally unhelpful or even banal , but in its literal truth making a symbolic promise .
21 And yet Victoria has accused me of exactly the same sin as I am so lightly attributing elsewhere ( incidentally , to people who are more fiction than fact ) .
22 The Sleipner field has reserves of roughly the same size as the depleting Frigg field , ( some 200 billion cu.metres ( 222 MTOE ) , with the addition of 250 million barrels of condensates .
23 At this time the lift was passing about 150,000 tons per annum and , although a vertical lift , it was of roughly the same capacity as that at Foxton , which would therefore require similar maintenance .
24 Lavier continues to reflect on paradoxes , with such examples as the superimposition of a safe on a refrigerator , both objects having been covered with paint of precisely the same colour as the original .
25 This need n't worry you too much however as you can buy an SVGA monitor plus SVGA card as a bundle for nearly the same price as the monitor on its own .
26 It was engaging with much the same processes as those later explored by Goffman , Harré and those working from a symbolic interactionist position .
27 For two years the colony staggered along , with much the same problem as the early English settlements in Virginia which had failed to find any line of activity in the first three or four years that would bring in money .
28 The outbreak of war saw Bennett still in the navy blue of Imperial Airways and he heard the Prime Minister 's broadcast , declaring war on Germany , with much the same feeling as most of us who remember it .
29 If this occurs in government , the Prime Minister can evoke the sentiment of party loyalty with much the same effect as when he faces opposition on the floor of the House .
30 They were neglected and turned into outcasts with much the same arrogance as that shown by the English Protestants towards the Irish Catholics during the same period .
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