Example sentences of "[prep] [pers pn] of the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If both cooperate ( with each other , not with the authorities ) by refusing to speak , there is not enough evidence to convict either of them of the main crime , and they receive a small sentence for a lesser offence , the Reward for mutual cooperation .
2 Central to those ideals had been — at least since 1922 when Tawney published his Secondary Education for All — the extension of secondary schooling ( although , less precisely , not all of it of the grammar-school variety ) to the whole of the population .
3 What price a higher handicap for those of us of the bow-legged persuasion .
4 The limitations in the work and conclusions of those of us of the older generation , may soon be painfully obvious if , in the future there will be an increase in the scale of the work and more opportunities for effective scientific study .
5 Because Pound was not a combatant , and because he resolutely resisted making easily patriotic and self-righteous gestures ( this is what Homage to Sextus Propertius is about , very largely ) , the impact upon him of the First World War is under-estimated .
6 The distinctive moods of the rich and various landscapes which crowded near to Stowey were becoming for Coleridge almost a reflex of his own moods and thoughts — the broad uplands of the Quantock Hills a counterpoint to the speculative power of a mind ‘ habituated to the vast ’ , the lowland villages an expression for him of the loving companionship of friends and family , the hidden dell , where the voice of nature sounded in the waterfall , a retreat by turns comforting and mysterious to serve his recurrent longing for escape .
7 There are many possible ways in which one may incur tortious liability through the instrumentality of an animal under one 's control , but the fact that the agent happens to be animate rather than inanimate is immaterial , for while the common law , like other legal systems , developed special or additional rules of liability for animals , it did not deny the applicability to them of the general law .
8 It is not so much that those buyers who actually consume the Qm units are having to pay the higher price Pm for them , since the higher price represents the value to them of the marginal unit bought .
9 This may well have been due to the satisfaction he had been deriving from the composition of East Coker , though he made no mention to me of the new poem .
10 If your notice period was 12 months , you might obtain damages to cover that period and yet still be asking an industrial tribunal to reimburse you to the extent of the maximum compensatory award in respect of your anticipated future loss , together with payment to you of the basic award .
11 THE Vendor is seized of the property hereinafter described for an estate in fee simple in possession free from encumbrances save as hereinafter mentioned and has agreed with the Purchaser for the sale to him of the said property for a like estate at the price of five thousand pounds
12 Both would involve payment to him of the same sum of money .
13 It is a timely reminder to us of the true value and cost of ’ rediscovered ’ writers , and a challenge to Black women writers , not just in the USA , but throughout the Black Diaspora to get our act together and chronicle our lives and our times for ourselves .
14 The result was a schism by the Thompson-Chesson group and the formation by them of the short-lived North of England Anti-Slavery and India Reform League .
15 In May 1412 a treaty ( that of Bourges ) was sealed between Henry IV and the dukes of Berry , Bourbon , and Orléans which gave the English king much of what his predecessors had spent years fighting for : a recognition that Aquitaine was rightfully English , and an undertaking to help the king defend it ; the cession of twenty important towns and castles ; and agreement that certain lands , notably Poitou , were to be held by them of the English crown , and would revert to it when the present holders died .
16 He did homage to Edward explicitly for the land held by him of the English king , but is reputed to have added ‘ saving my kingdom of Scotland ’ .
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