Example sentences of "[prep] [pers pn] [to-vb] [pers pn] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 You 've got to go and ask for them to take you on the erm
2 Many Heads have expressed to me their appreciation of what the lu Labour Group has done for them to rescue them from the plight that the Tories imposed on them .
3 Graham sitting there waiting for me to kick him in the teeth .
4 I was anxious to settle the terms of the contract with M. Chaillot and , because I wanted to avoid being cornered by him in Passy , I suggested to Jean-Claude that he make an appointment for me to see him at the radio , mid-morning , on a date when I had a luncheon appointment .
5 But it would be natural for me to put you in the golf club area .
6 In December 1757 he tried to excuse himself ‘ as my abode is at such distance from the place where the Royal Society hold their weekly meetings as to render it not only inconvenient , but unsafe for me to attend them in the winter season. , A month later Ellis countered with , ‘ I scarce think it possible that Mr. Miller should have no one friend in the Society to send him word and , indeed , I had told Rivington to tell Miller I would be glad to discuss the matter at Fulham , and Miller ignored it . ’
7 On the day Sir Hubert arrived in Rangoon he sent for me to thank me for the way in which this delicate matter had been handled .
8 Sister Superior , from the waxed scented and echoing chambers of the convent where we usually never set foot , sent for me to remind me of the Parable of the Talents .
9 ‘ It would be better , mademoiselle , for me to take you to the nearest syndicat d'initiative .
10 When the time comes for me to show you to the door you may be down on your knees , begging to be kept on . ’
11 Desmond , after the briefest of mutters , hurried after her to tuck her into the car .
12 They bound and gagged two children and then forced one of them to take them to the money .
13 In return she showed them the Daimler and invited forty of them to visit her on the Dockers ' yacht , Shemara , where pink champagne was served amid costly fitments which were often detailed in the newspapers .
14 It had taken two of them to free me from the current and I was so relieved .
15 ‘ It was very good of you to take them to the sea .
16 It 's incredibly kind of you to meet us on the offchance .
17 There was enough of it to identify her as the Seren …
18 And I will actually draw or paint a word picture for you to put you in the scene .
19 The moment you feel the need for confession and the Mass , tell me and I 'll arrange for you to join us in the chapel . ’
20 It 's easy for you to have it at the theatre , mhm
21 I understand that it would be possible for you to supply us with the manuscripts by the end of August this year .
22 It is not necessary for you to meet him at the moment — in fact , he is not here right at this moment — but you may use the telephone .
23 Now the thing that worries me is that the N R A and our linkage with them is I do n't think it 's early days for them and they have n't got the the power and the erm law behind them to enforce it as the way which I think most of us would like to think of have a erm erm an organization tha that can in fact start bringing the law in that if people fail to do what they say erm so that aspect I think I now Chris also mentioned this erm tilting in West Sussex and again that mentioned in the structure plan , because I six mill a year but in ten years that 's two and a half inches .
24 She had been surprised to find that he did n't feel it beneath him to help her in the house .
25 In the corner of one of their fields the younger brother 's wife built a shelter of leaves and twigs draped across with a shawl and put her baby beneath it to shield her from the alternate onslaughts of sun and showers .
26 The presbytery having dealt with him to bring him to the conviction of the evil of the said practice did appoint him to be publickly rebuked two several Lord 's days in the Kirk of Kilarrow and Kilmeny .
27 The presbytery having dealt with him to bring him to the conviction of the evil of the said practice did appoint him to be publickly rebuked two several Lord 's days in the Kirk of Kilarrow and Kilmeny .
28 The presb. after serious dealing with him to convince him of the evil of the said practice , and after receiving his promise judicially not to practice it any more appoints him to be publickly rebuked before the congregation by his parish minister . "
29 The presb. after serious dealing with him to convince him of the evil of the said practice , and after receiving his promise judicially not to practice it any more appoints him to be publickly rebuked before the congregation by his parish minister . "
30 Stockton North MP Frank Cook said : ‘ You can picture the scene : a consultant walks into a care unit with five or six patients struggling , fighting for their lives and says : ‘ Hands up those who have 15 breaths left in them to make it round the corner . ’
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