Example sentences of "[prep] [pers pn] [coord] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He was worried about them and by the time he came down the gang had gone .
2 I gave McDunn the two names last night and told him the respective professions of their owners , then clammed up , just refused to say any more about them or about the body .
3 If a Simulium black fly is infected with nematode worms , their larvae migrate into its muscles , then into its salivary glands , and finally , when it feeds from a host , pass out of its mouthparts or burst out through them and into the mammal host .
4 That is a disaster not only for them but for the nation , which is robbed of their abilities .
5 Tirana home service radio initially denounced the hunger strike as having " nothing to do with a loyal strike struggle " , but in subsequent days the radio detailed the hunger strikers ' demands and deteriorating health , and by June 1 had swung round to emotional support for them and for the UITUA .
6 My Lords , er would my Noble Friend , subjects are nevertheless best taught by those who have a sympathy for them and in the light of the fact that eighty per cent of er school pupils in the primary sector are taught , th all subjects by the same teacher .
7 You mean therapeutic for me or for the reader ?
8 ‘ A sad day for me and for the community . ’
9 A palliasse had been laid for me and in a corner were the rolled palliasses of others .
10 It was my mother who stuck up for me and in the end he came around and now him and my baby are inseparable .
11 She made a sudden move towards me and from the doorway , Nigger started to growl softly .
12 Walter , down below them and with the waters getting perilously close to the tops of his waders , says , ‘ Something 's rotten under here .
13 What if you 'd gone on believing the worst of me and into the bargain you 'd ended up having to marry Janice ?
14 And and he took quite a lot of them but in the time that
15 I invite the hon. Gentleman to reflect again on his knee-jerk reaction to our proposals and to tell us frankly whether he is in favour of them and on the side of the citizen , the user of services and the taxpayer or on the side of Rodney Bickerstaffe , the Confederation of Health Service Employees and NUPE .
16 She was telling me all about all of them and on the roof .
17 How do we know this , however , of human artefacts ? — simply because we have had repeated experience of them and of the people who make them .
18 From the sound of them and from the way they are used , you have probably got quite a good idea of what you think they mean .
19 If the opponent 's attack is a face punch , then hit his extended arm with your forearm , glancing your punch over the top of his and into the target .
20 Your leading guard hand curls under the opponent 's Achilles tendon and draws the trapped foot towards you and to the side .
21 The knife he slid towards her and into the butter had a menacingly long shadow blade .
22 He leaned towards her and in a whisper he said , ‘ I do n't think I 'll waken her . ’
23 In Eternity , like the madman in the story who got rid of his devils when they were driven out of him and into the swine , Russia will sit healed at the feet of Jesus .
24 Graham laughed to himself , then had to break his stride as a long-haired biker in dirty denims bumped a large Moto Guzzi across the pavement in front of him and into the courtyard entrance of the buildings called Rosebery Square , Graham looked darkly at the man pushing the bike , then shook his head , telling himself not to be so stupid .
25 The elevated 18th tee was in front of him and to the left .
26 I endorse everything that has been said from both sides of the House in support and admiration of him and of the courage and fortitude that he and his family have displayed .
27 It was all she had left of him and of the days they had spent together .
28 She walked straight past him and down the steps .
29 I run past him and up the steps to the street .
30 With which she stalked past him and into the hall without so much as a backward glance at Theda , standing by the desk , a look of new hope in her eyes .
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