Example sentences of "[prep] [pers pn] [adj] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He had an alley mate , the man on the next machine , who pulled the levers for both of them at one end while William 's grandad pulled for them both at the other .
2 Of all Christians , those of the Orthodox family have remained the most conservative , Their cultural roots go back to the Byzantine Empire and there has been no event for them comparable to the Reformation or Vatican II .
3 The first 3 of them were the most important , supplying between them 61 of the mayors and 105 of the aldermen ( 128 , pp.107 , 109 ) .
4 They 'd stopped on their way across the marble floor , both of them blue-white in the lights and the fog .
5 Clark demonstrates that older people tried , where possible , to set up contractually based arrangements ( some of them enforceable through the courts ) to secure their livelihood and care in old age , through a system whereby they surrendered some of their rights to their land to a specified individual , in return for agreed services — ‘ individually arranged pension benefits ’ ( ibid .
6 So now he had in all 10,025.07 votes , 1,118.07 of them surplus to the quota .
7 Now , meantime , until this happy state of affairs has been reached and we can devolve these responsibilities , we continue to support individual artists directly ourselves , through a variety of schemes , all of which I like to think relate to making more of them accessible to the public .
8 One supporter summed up the feelings of them all about the authorities who took them away .
9 The members of each set are distinguished one from another by what are fairly well known , the different theories of the nature of probability , all of them consistent with the Probability Calculus .
10 It was claimed that soldiers on a British training exercise had been caught by a fearsome ‘ flame weapon ’ which had burned dozens of them alive at the water 's edge .
11 The ritual , mysticism , animal blood-letting and involvement in unnecessary political and financial dealings , are merely additional undesirable activities , and are none of them essential to the needs of the god-hungry masses .
12 The three front men appear to have worked out a rota so that when one of them tired of the constant leaping about he can take a breather while the other two step in and compensate with eye-catching leaps of their own .
13 Wales have made five changes one of them positional from the side which beat Namibia 38–23 at the weekend .
14 Official human rights sources in the country reported 228 " extrajudicial executions " and 45 disappearances in 1991 , two-thirds of them attributable to the security forces and civil patrols .
15 Are none of them aware of the dangers ?
16 However , these occasional tensions had been kept private until Robert and Samuel Wilberforce chose to make some of them public in the life of their father they published in 1838 .
17 She crouched as the great flock screamed past her , wings humming ; some of them tangled in the trees , a few panicked as they shattered themselves against the stone of the fortress , or flew frantically in the confined space of the room ; but most of them circled above her head , then streamed away to the south , lost against the fading luminescence of the sky .
18 At least 2,000 died in Badajoz alone , most of them machine-gunned in the bullring ; thousands more perished at the hands of the Legionaries , the Moors or the right-wing militias in other towns and villages of Andalusia and Extremadura .
19 Every St Kildan family owned a number of cleits and they were scattered all over the island , many of them convenient to the bird cliffs because ‘ fresh ’ birds were much heavier than those that had dried out , and everything had to be carried back to the village eventually .
20 In the war , the Party had , in fact , to take on a number of new tasks , some of them important in the context of social welfare and organization , though not necessarily guaranteed to increase the popularity of the local functionaries .
21 Not that their newly re-upholstered troubled-funk rhythms would n't make converts of you all on the spot , but it 's heartening to see so many so attached to , well , so little .
22 For those of you familiar with the Thanet area , the route starts and finishes in Hartsdown park .
23 J. decided he wanted a photograph of me , and although I did tease him a bit about this — what did he want a photograph of me for when I was there in front of him most of the time ? — at his insistence I finally went and had it done .
24 Of course , the label or promotional literature as constituting a representation would have to induce the representee to enter the main contract of sale and he would have to know of it prior to the contract .
25 The two popular actors left it to director Richard Donner to make sense of it all at the end of the day .
26 As far as I can tell , Guitarist has always welcomed valid criticism and suggestions for changes or new ideas , but that does n't mean that they have to follow all of it all of the time .
27 I suppose what I was asked and what I said in reply will be subject to the ‘ 30 year rule ’ — and heaven knows what any archivist will make of it all in the year 2012 !
28 Anyone who had this kind of machine behind them must be important , so it had the effect of presenting him to the public as this bigger than life pop star which , if you look at his record sales at the time , he was n't , but he was becoming a media myth , some of this due to his own talent and some of it due to the MainMan hype machine .
29 Thus an order of the court that a former council house or New Town Development House be transferred to one party of the marriage will not necessitate at the time of the transfer repayment of the discount or any part of it allowable at the time of purchase .
30 prior to the departure of the Iwakura Mission , the Meiji regime too had started a limited programme of industrialization and social change , much of it contingent on the dismantling of the political , social and economic structure that had prevailed under the Tokugawa .
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