Example sentences of "[prep] [pers pn] [verb] out [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Cos he 'll eat them , he 'll be stood there waiting for them coming out of the blooming oven !
2 And then , when she looked at the high terrace with its pots of trailing geraniums , she could see nothing for the shadow was so intense — not the pale blob of a face or the movement of a hand — but she was suddenly as sure as she could be of anything that someone was standing there , looking down , waiting for them to get out of the car and watching them .
3 Before she undressed , Nicandra pulled back the window curtains , cold as glass in her hands , and stood between them to look out at the changed world .
4 I felt the corporeal elephant on whose back my world was supported amble effortlessly along , rather that it being necessary for me to lean out from the howdah of my head and goad him .
5 Both of them got out on the restaurant floor , but Pavel carried on down to the entrance lobby .
6 Even when I eavesdrop I hear nothing but sex , thought Pascoe watching the four of them disappear out of the bar .
7 And the Relief Committee and the Board of Works inspector upstairs — four of them go out on the balcony , and there was a silence would have lifted off your hat .
8 A good many boys and girls had joined the crowd now and shouts of laughter broke out as a few of them came out from the gate in the kitchen-garden wall , their hands full of ripe peaches , their chins dripping with juice .
9 Many of them live out in the provinces so we keep a good range of beers that include some from their part of the world , ’ explained Jim .
10 Jasper knelt up on the seats with the rest of them to observe out of the window their progress to Kensington High Street .
11 The two of them leapt out of the beached cockboat and strode up past the fishwives , some of whom gave him a " good day " but most of whom preserved a surly silence .
12 Oh , he had them locked antler to antler now , two proud stags with lowered heads and rolling eyes , gathering their sinews for the thrust that should send one of them backing out of the contest .
13 The floor of his room was like a maze , with tower-blocks of books , whole walls of them set out on the thin carpet and holed linoleum so that only small corridors for him to walk in remained between them .
14 The three of them trooped out into the hallway .
15 They do not fly at ordinary room temperatures and they crawl only slowly , so there will not be much danger of them crawling out of the container and escaping .
16 He was an Edinburgh solicitor who had two houses , two cars and had commuted between two women before one of them found out about the other .
17 It 's a good idea of yours to come out of the Rolls Royce while the going 's good .
18 His only certain memory of his mother was of her looking out of the same kitchen window and calling to him as he played on the grass .
19 He stood there blankly , not knowing what to say or do , remembering only the sound of her crying out in the darkness and how awful he had felt , alone , kneeling there on the dyke , impotent to act .
20 ‘ Is there any chance of him coming out in the near future , do you think ? ’
21 Research has markedly redressed the unfounded and ill-wishing treatment of it dished out by the zealots seeking to bring about the hardened approach to poverty eventually enacted in the harsh workhouse-based act of 1834 .
22 The first intimation of it came out of the blue , but I can not ignore the fact that she has persisted in it .
23 There has been little sociological work on this topic but there has been a good deal of interesting history , much of it carried out under the aegis of the North East Labour History Society .
24 If you are worried about this problem then it is worth knowing that the radiation decreases in strength very rapidly with distance and most of it comes out of the back of the monitor .
25 We have suffered from the same thing as the other two er Abalance have said today of money being used from our surplus to provide for redundancy and erm i it 's been exacerbated by money being available from the people who are made , made redundant , going to the company and swelling their balance sheets , while all the cost side of it comes out of the pension fund and that has caused a lot of ill-feeling particularly from the older pensioners who have seen years of inflation when their pensions were not made up to the same extent .
26 We have suffered from the same thing as the other two er Abalance have said today of money being used from our surplus to provide for redundancy and erm it 's been exacerbated by money being available from the people who were made , made redundant going to the company and swelling their balance sheets while all the cost side of it comes out of the pension fund and that has caused a lot of ill-feeling particularly from the older pensioners who have seen years of inflation , when their pensions were not made up to the same extent .
27 In other words , you concentrate not just on what 's repressed in id , but on the structure of the ego as well , and the superego , and the course of nature part of it comes out in the book as told us that Woodrow Wilson had a tremendous superego in the form of his identification with his father , who he further identified with God , I mean , if I come over very critical indeed , and therefore , his own ego was identified with Jesus Christ .
28 As the crowd of us came out of the car , he leaned backwards over Mr Quigley 's fence and spat , slowly and deliberately , into the geraniums .
29 Be too sordid for both of us to drink out of the bottle . ’
30 I sat down beside her , both of us gazing out through the mist at the heaving , pounding water , the noise of it thundering in our ears , filling our whole world with sound .
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