Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] on the [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is not uncommon for schools on the same campus serving different age ranges to share raffles , prize draws and seasonal fairs .
2 It is possible to plot the relationship between a number of variables on the same graph .
3 Danvers , Massachusetts-based PictureTel Corp is cutting prices on its M-8000 bridge product family : it says it will offer a fully H.320 version of its M-8000 Multipoint Bridge starting at $45,000 for the M-8600 with three ports : the M-8600 is for customers with only a few videoconferencing systems and limited requirements for linking a large number of sites on the same call ; the H.320 standards-compliant version will ship in the autumn .
4 In Thai cookery , none of these ingredients is used alone ; indeed one of its special tricks is to offer a spectrum of variations on the same flavour .
5 Low-rise blocks of flats on the same estate squat on scabby scraps of grass , a minefield of dogshit and broken glass , unused even by the army of under-fives who live there .
6 Competition between different providers of trains on the same route will not work , they say .
7 Both of these are derived from the performance of large numbers of children on the same test .
8 What worried me in looking at the Franks Report is that it was the same group of ministers on the same committee that were dealing with the big issues of war and peace in Middle Europe , with the procurement of nuclear weapons systems .
9 FILMS about the human sex act are rather like books on the same subject .
10 There is an Inter-American Convention on the Taking of Evidence Abroad 1975 ( with a supplementary Protocol of 1984 ) and the Asian-African Legal Consultative Committee has drafted model bilateral conventions including provisions on the same topic .
11 This can be seen in a qualitative way by considering the party game in which participants guess how many people would need to be asked their birthdays , on average , to find two with birthdays on the same day .
12 Few will guess that a group of twenty-three will , on average , contain two people with birthdays on the same day .
13 There was condemnation in speeches on the same day in the USSR Supreme Soviet , followed by the approval by 292 votes to 29 , with 27 abstentions , of a resolution declaring that Yeltsin 's statement violated the Constitution , and calling on the Russian Federation Supreme Soviet to declare its position .
14 They will provide for pensions on the same terms as are currently enjoyed .
15 RED-faced councillor George Russell was in a crash going to answer complaints about accidents on the same road at Ferndown , Dorset .
16 It was announced in a joint press statement that Japan would increase its assistance to Laos in various fields , including forestry , communication and transport , and hydroelectricity , and a memorandum signed by officials on the same day provided additional Japanese aid worth 400,000,000 yen ( approximately $2,800,000 ) for agricultural projects .
17 The commonest departure arose when two traits were determined by genes on the same chromosome ( that is , were genetically ‘ linked ’ ) , so that the traits did not segregate independently of one another , as Mendel claimed that they should .
18 The police appear before the court as witnesses , of course , in many cases , but their status before the court is just like any other erm witness and they have no greater standing before the court , and their evidence is judged by Magistrates on the same basis as that of any other witness .
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