Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] with the same [noun] " in BNC.

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1 At various times , the Unionist government attempted to curb such displays either by banning marches or by re-routeing them through areas with the same politics as the marchers .
2 However , in many instances this is not the case , and mentally handicapped people move through lives with the same degree of fulfilment as anyone else .
3 This is a set of objects with the same representation .
4 Intended as well to improve the educational chances of children in the deprived inner cities , when first proposed they had the somewhat dubious appearance of being the outcome of a bright idea , one that would kill a variety of birds with the same stone : up with the inner cities ; , down with Local Authorities ; up with privatization ; down with education in the arts .
5 The iterated game is simply the ordinary game repeated an indefinite number of times with the same players .
6 He charges in and out of shops with the same patter : ‘ Bonjour , a va ?
7 The coupon yield curve is a plot of the yield to maturity against term to maturity for a group of bonds with the same coupon .
8 But the device can also accelerate antiprotons , the antimatter equivalents of protons with the same mass but negative electric charge .
9 It 's more than possible that there were a number of courtiers with the same build and looks as he . ’
10 WHILE your article about how little revenue from charity Christmas cards reached the charities concerned was accurate for certain card retailers , it tarred many hundreds of volunteers with the same brush , to the detriment of the wonderful charities they support .
11 With the PESC Report and the Economic Assessment before them , a Cabinet committee of ministers with the same name ( PESC ) then decides the levels and share out of expenditure for year three .
12 Firstly , the molecular heterogeneity of tumours with the same origin , histological type , and differentiated level .
13 In consequence , it was often easier to overwrite ( superimpose ) parts of records with the same information , which is not good updating practice as errors can be introduced into the system .
14 Many fishkeepers purchase an external power filter and use it for years with the same media .
15 Arrange the substitution items into groups with the same number of syllables , and as far as possible the same CV pattern , and the same length and stress pattern .
16 Bridging CO ligands normally have lower stretching frequencies than terminal ligands in complexes with the same metal and similar overall electron density .
17 Just why there was such a dramatic difference in experiences with the same species really baffled me .
18 In support of this suggestion the same workers ( Shattil et al , 1977 ) found that platelets from patients with Type 2 hyperlipoproteinaemia had a higher cholesterol/phospholipid ratio and other workers have found an elevated platelet-free cholesterol in patients with the same condition ( Miettinen , 1974 ) .
19 This kind of self-help may provoke an action from the other party to recover the payment that has been withheld : or , if the other party is a defendant in proceedings with the same plaintiff , withholding the payment may provoke a counterclaim .
20 Uneven allocation of notation to subjects with the same size of literature , ( or the same number of subdivisions being allocated different notational space ) will cause notation for some subjects to be exceptionally long .
21 Often they say , ‘ I thought that I had been through all this and settled it in my mind ten years ago , yet here I am having to come to terms with the same issue all over again . ’
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