Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] [vb pp] [prep] the same " in BNC.

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1 An ‘ edition ’ of a book is the whole number of copies printed from the same setting of type .
2 Much of the variation in the items is indeed directly related to their use , but the variability in the design of objects destined for the same function may point to socio-cultural differences .
3 On 5 April , a set of fissures opened in the same place , and showers of incandescent fragments of lava were ejected .
4 Table 3.4 shows how many they employed over the course of the project , together with the number of clients held at the same time .
5 I just want to tell you , time I done that done that on a number of spreadsheets compared with the same label on one , on one
6 ‘ Demand has been increasing steadily since November and we 're now dealing with twice the number of applications compared to the same time last year .
7 I BRING you today a hand from a recent teams match where the number of tricks made in the same final contract was eleven in one room , but only six in the other .
8 If the explanation given is correct , however ( and no other suggests itself ) then there is no reason to prevent the prosecutor who has elected in favour of the substantive offence from seeking to amend so as to substitute the conspiracy count instead : a straight exchange of counts based on the same facts can not be said to be over-burdensome .
9 Further scope for comparison is provided by groups of bracteates found in the same grave and cemetery , and especially between die-linked specimens .
10 The economy of the Netherlands Antilles , based upon oil refining , financial services and tourism , was boosted in the first quarter of 1990 by an increase of 6 per cent in the number of tourists compared with the same period of 1989 , which had shown a similar increase over the previous year .
11 From this he could obtain survivorship curves for cohorts of leaves born in the same time period and record some of the causes of death or damage within the populations ( Fig. 16.5 ) .
12 American scientists analysed samples of leaves taken from the same district .
13 ( 5 ) In the case of an application for the grant or provisional grant of a new licence , the applicant shall , not later than three weeks before the first day of the meeting of the board at which the application is to be considered , give notice in writing of the application to every occupier of premises situated in the same building as the premises to which the application relates .
14 He is also required , not later than three weeks before the date of the meeting , to give written notice of his application to all the occupiers of premises situated in the same building as the premises to which the application relates ( subs .
15 A more sensitive indicator of fertility behaviour is the average completed family size of women born in the same year .
16 The [ draft ] FRS requires that the maturity of debt should be assessed according to the earliest date on which the lender could demand repayment , taking account of facilities granted by the same lender which may permit the refinancing of the debt .
17 Reicher , for instance , distinguishes between a perception , which is individual and often ‘ openly partisan ’ , and an account , which consists of events described in the same way by two or more sources , and which can be tested against ‘ objective ’ indices , such as , film and photographs ’ ( Reicher 1984b : 190 ) .
18 It 's impossible to see these spines growing , but easy to record their growth with a series of photographs taken from the same place over the course of a couple of months .
19 The similarities between things called by the same name are indefinite and fluctuating ; one tries to pin terms down by definition , so that they can be used for strict inference , but Wittgenstein showed that in the vocabulary of natural languages the similarities are ‘ family resemblances ’ , by which A may be like B in one respect and B like C in another , but A like C in neither , so that it is useless to look for common characteristics by which to define the word which names them all .
20 In a later study carried out with left-handers classified in the same way as before Warrington and Pratt ( 1973 ) calculated language to be lateralised to the left hemisphere in 26 patients , to the right hemisphere in 9 patients and uncertain or bilateral in 2 patients .
21 In the case of the job evaluation exercise this was achieved by producing a program whose function was to " translate " a proposed set of grade boundaries into consequences quoted in the same terms as those in which the management 's negotiating aims were couched : costs , grade changes , etc .
22 We advise groups or individuals that are producing work for publication to consult with others engaged in the same activity .
23 These punches might consist of elements of the design ( such as part of the king 's crown ) or of letters in the inscription , and a careful examination of the coins can reveal that they were struck from dies made from the same punches ( fig. 5 ) .
24 The effect of this would be that the additional premium of £5,000 would be treated as additional rent for the period 28 April 1989 to 25 March 1991 and would , in effect , make the transaction tax neutral within companies controlled by the same individual .
25 By the way of contrast The Independent , building up a composite Independent person from figures supplied by the same research company ( TGI ) , announced that 23.9% of Independent readers have a household income exceeding £25,000 , 44.2% of them own a car , 31.4% own stocks and shares , 9% play cricket , 71.9% bought records in the last year and in the same period 51.2% purchased at least one pair of sports shoes while 14% spent over £50 in garden centres .
26 Where similar finds are consistently found in layers dated to the same period of time , it can be assumed that these finds belong to that time period .
27 There are a few bivalves which are found in rocks deposited in the same sort of black shale environment that was mentioned above in the discussion of graptolite life habits .
28 This means that in the OED only cross-references backwards or to entries published in the same fascicle are adequate , and in the Supplement , only cross-references to OED , to earlier volumes , and to the same volume ( usually ) are adequate .
29 Both our patients presented with symptoms and signs of heavy metal intoxication within six weeks of exposure to remedies administered by the same hakim .
30 The ritual vessels placed on altars conformed to the same tradition .
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