Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] [coord] at [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The example here is for a self-employed professional who charges for time spent on a number of projects and at a variety of rates .
2 On this basis , it can be suggested that the two mathematical educational subcultures existed both at the level of ideas and at the level of social relations .
3 The house was built by T.H. March ( the then American Consul ) who was an avid collector of plants and at the beginning of this century it was the home of Dr Herbert Watney , a great horticulturist .
4 In Adrienne Bennett 's classroom pupils work on mathematical activities which enable them to respond in a variety of ways and at a range of levels .
5 I would say that the criteria that 's that 's sent out at the moment is is far too strict for the lot , a lot of women and at the moment you 're expected to be skeletal , whereas th , you can very well be thirteen stone and anorexic it 's , it depends on your attitude towards food .
6 In chains and at the mercy of that detestable man !
7 During the war his home had been far away from bombs and at the end of it his father had come safely back .
8 This tree consists only of words that partake in compounds and at the leaf nodes are the indices relating to the disk address of the lexical information .
9 What is important is that ( a ) large numbers of people are involved ; ( b ) some of them are at a greater risk than the general population due to pre-existing cardiac or respiratory conditions and/or prolonged exposure in homes or at the workplace ; and ( c ) there is no ‘ safe ’ level of exposure to carcinogens .
10 The retailer may be cushioned from cut-throat competition from supermarkets but at the cost of their freedom to sell or price as they wish : like small subcontractors , being tied to a dominant parent company may be the cost of insuring against business failure .
11 They were also given the job of erecting direction signs to the nearest lavatory in corridors and at the exits to lecture rooms .
12 Tickets £2 ( £1 concessions ) available from members and at the door .
13 It should be noted that even in dry weather where the ambient humidity is low , the microclimate in faeces or at the soil surface may be sufficiently humid to permit continuing larval development .
14 He was quite insecure about being away from adults and at the beginning of the book he repeatedly asked Ralph if there were any adults on the island even though Ralph did not know .
15 It has a nave of five bays with stilted Saracenic arches ; the dome is supported on squinches and at the east end are three apses .
16 The SAC has published its findings in a booklet which is available free to subscribers or at a cost of £5 from its offices at West Mains Road , Edinburgh .
17 After the changes in western policy in Bosnia , we look at the prospects for peace there , at the ‘ safe areas ’ for Muslims and at the province of Serbia that could become the next Balkan flashpoint
18 Separation of training In contrast to the government 's approach to school planning and management in 1990 , a report six years earlier aimed its message at heads and at an LEA .
19 Studies of this type usually focus on general elections alone , but this one looks also at by-elections and at the change between them .
20 In the past , testing was directed at proteins made by cells or at the structures of cells .
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