Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] [prep] which [pron] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 Those who do their best but , for reasons for which they may not be to blame , are not temperamentally suited to deep involvement in the special problems of the elderly , may have other talents for caring .
2 For reasons to which I shall refer later I do not think that we should do that .
3 Anyway , if the right hon. Gentleman had remained in the Chamber , he would have realised that much of what he said was total nonsense , for reasons to which I shall turn in a moment .
4 Jakobson 's answer to this argument is , however , a powerful one : all users of a language must necessarily know the system of categories into which its different elements are divided , even if only unconsciously ; and his analysis of poetry does not claim to represent what goes on in the reader 's mind , but to account for the special effect which the poetry , for reasons of which he may well be unaware , exercises on him .
5 Obviously they can not be expected to vet all the publications they sell , and it would be grossly unfair to hold them responsible for libels of which they could have no knowledge .
6 Such a theory might claim , for instance , that to understand a proposition is to be able to tell the difference between circumstances in which one would be justified in believing it and those in which one would not .
7 As the right hon. Gentleman is talking about matters in which there may be joint agreement , and as he has visited Langbaurgh and Hemsworth in recent days , will he comment on the fact that both the Labour party candidates for those constituencies have invested in newly privatised industries ?
8 In this book authorities are said to be limited also by the kinds of reasons on which they may or may not rely in making decisions and issuing directives , and by the kind of reasons their decisions can pre-empt .
9 These six activity books provide children who are beginning to learn English with a wide range of activities through which they can practise English grammar and vocabulary , and develop their reading and writing skills .
10 In short , capitalist states were becoming thoroughly entangled in a set of conflicts from which they could not easily extricate themselves .
11 and invite the hearer to an exchange of views in which he will agree with him or otherwise in belief or attitude .
12 This is the first of a short series of programmes in which we shall be taking a look at some of these unfortunate happenings , and asking questions such as , ‘ To what extent can they predicted ? ’ and ‘ How can they best be coped with ? ’
13 The whole thing hidden beneath layers of ice and rock , untraceable from the air : a flexible and formidable system of defences from which they would launch their attack on the Seven .
14 My Lords , the , the point made by the Noble Lord is that it is an important one erm it is important that teachers do feel comfortable with this subject and to that end the erm grant for education support and training is making money available and religious education has been added to the number of subjects for which it can be made available to help with er improving specialisms in schools , but also pr improving co-ordination for religious education in schools .
15 The fears are now that the outgoing government of the Christian Democrats , Socialists , Liberals and Social Democrats will no longer be able to command a majority , leaving a plethora of parties from which it will be impossible to form a working coalition .
16 At the same time , it has permitted the formation of a more precise theory of relationships from which we may deduce evolutionary pathways .
17 This study will examine various organisational forms of international collaboration in defence and civilian research and development ( R&D ) and attempt to formulate a set of variables with which they can be evaluated and collaboration as a form of organisation assessed .
18 Financial institutions such as building societies , banks and insurance companies bought up estate agents to build national networks of offices in which they could sell housing-related financial services .
19 There is no difficulty in explaining how a structure such as an eye or a feather contributes to survival and reproduction ; the difficulty is in thinking of a series of steps by which it could have arisen .
20 Enter Rita , a young , timid , nervous , woman in clinging red dress , lipstick to match and a pair of shoes in which you would not want to run for a bus .
21 It aims to secure both that the consumer is not misled and also that he is not left in ignorance of matters of which he should lie informed .
22 Yes , the Prime Minister has negotiated a set of circumstances in which it will be possible for employers in Britain to pay lower wages and work their employees for longer hours in worse conditions than their competitors on mainland Europe .
23 For sure , ‘ Hate My Way ’ is excellent , a whiplashed stab of emotions throughout which one can shiver along to the demons cartwheeling through Kristin 's mind .
24 One of the reasons for writing so much about growing your own plants is that not all flowers and foliage suitable for pressing are available from florists , which can considerably limit the palette of colours from which you will work .
25 If you are unlucky enough to be in a firm where this is not yet done , or if you are self-employed , there are a number of organisations to which you can turn for advice and help .
26 There is an unlimited number of ideas from which you can choose to back your picture , using any fabric from a dainty piece of real silk through tweeds , rough and raw silks and linens , to hessians , velvets , cottons and even several layers or pieces of different materials .
27 As for the question of partnership and friendship in the 1990s , the joint declaration that we signed sets out a series of bases on which we can improve our relationship with Russia .
28 Verbs involve an appreciation of time ; nouns of objects in space , or of mental concepts and experiences ; adjectives of qualities between which we can discriminate ; adverbs of associations in time , space and quality .
29 Basic information includes who employs you , what for and the type of problems on which you can advise .
30 That is the key paragraph in a paper which logically argued the case for a better budgeting system , and set out a number of principles on which it should be based .
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