Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [noun sg] [conj] [adv] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 With the spectre of the supermarket pinta a very real threat to the British milkman , Steve Ellis points to his unofficial role as social worker or even home help .
2 Cross and Bevan 's interest in the chemistry of cellulose led them to the study of the viscose solutions produced by treating cellulose with a strong solution of caustic soda and then carbon disulphide vapour .
3 Partnerships differ , as well , in terms of specific purpose and therefore location on the whole partnership map .
4 ‘ Adult care workers have a duty of public protection as well protection of children .
5 The key points of extended reach and fully body rotation are artificially emphasized and the stroke is simplified and standardized to remove confusing variations .
6 The native peoples of Siberia were allowed to go on benefiting from the reforms which Speranskii had introduced in 1822 ; in this area " there was no sustained programme of enforced Russification or even christianisation " .
7 There were moments of high drama and even tragedy , all sensationally recorded in the journals of the protagonists , The Seaman and The British Seafarer .
8 Rupture of atheromatous plaque leads to occlusive thrombosis that produces myocardial ischaemia and cell death leading to loss of ventricular function and possibly death .
9 The trying climate , the oppression of the enemy , the difference of culture , the loneliness — these all work towards nervous stress and sometimes breakdown for the missionary .
10 Dental health may be a more general indicator of personal hygiene and possibly health care practices .
11 Although these years witnessed a very low tide of economic activity including the horrors of widespread famine and even peasant revolts in some areas like Tambov , problems concerning religious belief and taxation never led to large-scale uprisings in the Smolensk guberniia ( nor indeed anywhere else in Russia ) .
12 Where selective logging is at a low density ( 10 stems per ha ) in Pahang , West Malaysia , infant mortality in all primates is greatly increased , perhaps because of injuries due to the female adults having to make greater leaps from crown to crown across gaps or abandonment in the face of human presence or possibly reduction in available food .
13 Some features of that world are nowadays entirely inscrutable — notably , what it was in Frederic Lowndes 's self-effacing position on The Times which gave him and his wife access to a society of international aristocracy and even royalty , and to the inner circles of the cabinet , as well as the society of novelists and playwrights .
14 But little was known of the nature and causation of mental disorder and so provision for treatment was minimal .
15 Bob Naish of the Agricultural Development and Advisory Service , gave warning that the ‘ when ’ of succession was often a matter of considerable irritation and even aggravation between the parties .
16 The appalled producer took refuge in the unions and his insurance company , and Fred and Arthur composed their faces into the necessary combination of artistic bloody-mindedness and guestly sympathy to scotch the project without actually seeming to throw their good lunch back into the producer 's face .
17 TWO young anglers hooked £1,000 of antique jewellery while out fishing .
18 Willow warblers sang meandering cadences from the trees and a vehement sedge warbler vocalised from a reed bed , letting us know that once again they had safely survived the perilous crossing of arid desert and squally sea .
19 So many bodies doing so many varied local duties created a lack of concerted effort and so Parliament gradually absorbed these boards into the local government machine by transferring their functions one by one to the local authorities .
20 It remains an act of common sense or even faith .
21 Of particular interest and remarkably god value are the Berberana Gran Reservas ( particularly the 1970 ) or the fresh white Rioja in the modern style called Carta de Oro .
22 Senna drove a Chevrolet 1992 car in Phoenix on Sunday as a guest of fellow Brazilian and twice Formula One champion Emerson Fittipaldi .
23 The threat of disciplinary action or even dismissal from the Library Association is empty when one can practise as a librarian without membership of the professional association .
24 For these not only reveal something about the nature of criminal law and hence crime itself , but also how corporations are able to channel some of their resources into a concerted attempt to prevent their socially injurious behaviours from being criminalized .
25 As long as fluid intake remains adequate to compensate for ensuing polyuria the blood volume will remain expanded with resultant elevation of cardiac output and thus blood pressure .
26 Resistance of this kind was to keep the authorities extremely nervous throughout 1922 , and one has the sense from the enormous detail of the Smolensk Archive that fear of outright revolt and even counter-revolution was ever present in the local Party 's thoughts .
27 The combination of seismic , gravity and ground deformation evidence suggests vesiculation and expansion of frothy magma and/or downwards fracture propagation and magma seepage .
28 ‘ Pakistan 's indigenous gas effectively displaces large quantities of imported oil and thus development of local gas supplies has significant foreign exchange benefits as well as providing a greener fuel , ’ explained Martin Scott , Central Region 's managing director .
29 By proposing discourse as the object of analysis , Barthes shows that language , when it is used in certain ways ( in this instance a story ) , has levels of structure that operate beyond the level of structural linguistics or even semiology .
30 A model like this can not be a sufficient basis for a convincing explanation of a recurrent phenomenon like linguistic change because both divergence and convergence can be present in language states at any time , or , perhaps , at all times .
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