Example sentences of "[prep] [be] for [art] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This involves — whether we like it or not — teaching them how to think ; the capacity for being scholars in the true sense of the word has to be shared with everyone instead of being for an elite of specially gifted , specially privileged pupils .
2 In many parishes the parish magazine has been in being for a number of years and is a great repository of local information — which event was held by which organisation in which year , who won prizes at the horticultural show , etc. , etc .
3 Incidentally , and irrelevantly for present purposes , that reasoning has led to the well-established conclusion that a child en ventre sa mère at a testator 's death but later born alive may rank as a life in being for the purposes of the rule against perpetuities , which is a rule of public policy under English law : see Long v. Blackhall ( 1797 ) 7 Durn. & E. 100 .
4 But then it would need to be for a man of his size to stretch out in comfort .
5 Sir , in June nineteen ninety two Mrs Brown er successfully obtained temporary work working for the Nottingham Community Hospice as a nursing auxiliary and the work was initially intended to be for a period of about three months .
6 But then it was only going to be for a matter of weeks , so what did it matter anyway ?
7 It was only to be for a matter of months .
8 Neither case is an authority on how serious a discrepancy or inaccuracy has to be for a challenge on the ground of mistake to succeed .
9 The only proviso is that your holiday has to be for a minimum of five nights .
10 But the Social Charter turned out not to be for the likes of us .
11 The appointment was to be for the life of his father , Richard Earl of Cornwall , the king 's brother , with reversion to the Crown .
12 Royal taxation usually had to be for the defence of the realm , but this was no longer interpreted with the narrow precision attempted by Winchelsey , and clerical objections and conditions more often turned upon other considerations : redress of grievances , exemption from lay burdens such as the ninth and purveyances , or simple impoverishment .
13 The question for Iavolenus therefore is whether the period of sixteen years was supposed to be for the benefit of the trustee ( so that he could enjoy the income from the estate in the meantime ) or of the estate itself ( so that it would fall into the hands of the testator 's son only once he had reached the age of responsibility ) .
14 The contemporary open door was to be for the benefit of the Chinese , not their disadvantage .
15 The basis of this protection is that publication is deemed to be for the benefit of the public .
16 ( It could also be theft , where there is no need for the disposal to be for the benefit of another . )
17 The answer would seem to be for the purpose of ascertaining the possessor 's intention , and for deciding whether in all the circumstances , racial hatred is likely to be stirred up .
18 At some later date he abandoned all his offices and journeyed to the Hijaz ( which journey both Mecdi and el-Kefevi have taken to be for the purpose of going on the pilgrimage ) ; alter his return he did not again hold any office .
19 Then she thought how tiring it was going to be for the rest of her life trying to be the Wise Woman all the time .
20 Some odd-looking monsters had been produced by designers striving to come to terms with these innovations , but by 1880 warships were already essentially what they were to be for the rest of the century , armoured , steam-driven and screw-propelled , with their main armament in revolving turrets or carried broadside .
21 Meanwhile , the only alternative seems to be for the baby to be looked after by her mother , and she will go and visit in the evenings when her father has gone off to his night work .
22 A royal banner now bestowed respectability on a cause ; kings ' wars were assumed to be for the sake of peace , even when cripplingly expensive and increasingly savage .
23 Efforts to control whaling between the wars was said to be for the purposes of resource conservation ; that they were really concerned with managing the flow of whale oil through international markets .
24 So , gratitude it has to be for the glimpse of a hornbeam 's golden rain of catkin pollen in a sheltered copse where , among primroses and the first bluebells , sorrel shows its delicate pink flowers and ( useful in salads ) triple leaflets , which Saint Patrick used to demonstrate the nature of the Trinity .
25 When the unions took industrial action against a no-strike clause in the latest contract proposals , Murdoch moved production of his papers overnight to the plant at Wapping — previously said to be for the News of the World alone .
26 And also I think , which is very strong and I think it does come out in , in the Chinese Communist Party , is the lust of power which can be even more dangerous when you convince yourself I 'll do all you lot good but I can make you all members of the Communist Party , whether you want to be or not does n't really matter , you know , it 's gon na be for the good of the country so you fall in with this trap of assuming that you want is for their good so it 's sort of a , a dangerous thing .
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