Example sentences of "[prep] [be] [vb pp] to [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 People react in different ways to odours , for example most people would probably describe rural odours or odour from a brewery , perfumery , or fish and chip shop as pleasant , but not all , some would find them unpleasant , pungent even , especially after being subjected to them for any length of time .
2 ‘ I expected something to be said to me by the directors after recent results .
3 I think perhaps what 's going to be said to you to the rest of the day erm will actually bring out the key points tha that Hughie was trying , trying to make .
4 It was here , in the Syrian capital far to the north of Damascus , that the term ‘ Christian ’ was to be applied to them for the first time .
5 These systems expect data to be presented to them in terms of relations and normally present results to users in the form of relations .
6 After the event , 239 of the Earl 's friends subscribed towards a trophy to be presented to him as an expression of their gratitude and to commemorate the Tournament .
7 the people of the island made a collection to be presented to him in appreciation of his long service .
8 Chairman I have an amendment to that motion , because , because I believe it 's important that we start to identify a lot of councils publish at the end of the year for public consumption a list of the allowances drawn by members , and I think that would be very useful and I would make , as an amendment , I would , would add to the proposal put by Mr that we call for a report to be pu er , to be presented to us of the amounts of allowances drawn by members , each member
9 And the ones that did are completely bewildered at the siege of journalists outside and everything has to be explained to them in words of one syllable .
10 In a case where the driver 's option is to be explained to him under section 8(2) , the driver should be told that if he exercises the right to have a replacement specimen taken under section 7(4) , it will be for the constable to decide whether that specimen is to be of blood or urine and , if the constable intends to require a specimen of blood to be taken by a medical practitioner , the driver should be told that his only right to object to giving blood and to give urine instead will be for medical reasons to be determined by the medical practitioner .
11 It also has to be explained to us by a woman , who will examine us if necessary and keep it a secret .
12 She had , of late , felt herself uncannily able to predict the next word , the next move , in any dialogue : she could hear and take in three conversations at once : she could see remotely as through a two-way mirror the private lives of her patients , sometimes of her friends : she had felt reality to be revealed to her at times in flashes beyond even the possibility of rational calculation : had felt in danger ( why danger ? ) of too much knowledge , of a kind of powerlessness and sadness that is born of knowledge : for these reasons , perhaps , was it that she had decided to multiply the possibilities so recklessly , to construct a situation beyond her own grasping ?
13 A high proportion of diplomats everywhere still began their careers , until well into the second half of the nineteenth century , by serving as unpaid attachés ; and it was not unusual for the head of a mission to ask for a son or a nephew to be assigned to it in this capacity .
14 The truth is , few people believe that revelations are going to be made to them in dreams — and even on the rare occasions that an individual really felt a dream was of overwhelming " significance " , the so-called dream-books could only taken in the most gullible .
15 In such a case , the husband will , if possible , wish to be released by the mortgagee from the future liability under the mortgage rather than rely upon an indemnity from the wife , and although the mortgagee should be aware of the proceedings between the parties by virtue of the notification required to be made to it under r2.59(4) of the Family Proceedings Rules 1991 ( see p3 ) , a formal application will doubtless have to be made by the husband for a release .
16 ’ Thus if the goods require anything to be done to them in order for them to be ready for delivery or in order to make them comply with the contract , they will not be in a deliverable state .
17 There are fewer generally accepted criteria about what environmental adaptations are necessary or desirable for pupils with problems in seeing and some debate as to whether any special attention needs to be given to them at all .
18 Less consciously , their desire was for a baby to be given to them by a symbolic mother ( the female doctor ) .
19 Looking back into the past , people are eager for an explanation to be given to them by Thames and I do think that people do n't feel that 's what they 've had so far .
20 We do n't know for certain but it was probably to be given to you on your arrival . ’
21 ( 4 ) Where a lessor is proceeding by action or otherwise to enforce a right of re-entry or forfeiture under any covenant , proviso , or stipulation in a lease , or for non-payment of rent , the court may , on application by any person claiming as an under-lessee any estate or interest in the property comprised in the lease or any part thereof , either in the lessor 's action ( if any ) or in any action brought by such person for that purpose , make an order vesting , for the whole term of the lease or any less term , the property comprised in the lease , or any part thereof in any person entitled as under-lessee to any estate or interest in such property upon such conditions as to execution of any deed or other document , payment of rent , costs , expenses , damages , compensation , giving security , or otherwise , as the court in the circumstances of each case may think fit , but in no case shall any such under-lessee be entitled to require a lease to be granted to him for any longer term than he had his original sub-lease .
22 Erm having made these contributions erm he got a note to the effect from the T P A that erm some of the money that he paid in to the A B C had to be repaid to him as a lump sum because the money coming from that sum would have taken his pension over the forty eightieths .
23 The group relief position between the various members of the vendor group , including Target , needs to be considered by both Newco and the vendor , because it will have a bearing on : ( a ) what the parties to the buy-out agree should be paid by Target for group relief to be surrendered to it by other members of the vendor group or , conversely , what payment Target should receive for losses and other group relief items which are available for surrender from Target to other members of the vendor group ; ( b ) whether adjustments need to be made to inter-company loan accounts ; for example if it has been assumed that in the accounting period of Target in which the buy-out occurs it will achieve a certain level of profitability which will enable it to claim group relief from other group companies and that those other companies will accordingly be able to write off £x of inter-company debt due to Target , the fact that Target leaves the vendor group , say , half-way through that accounting period , will prima facie reduce the amount of group relief it can claim to half of £x ; furthermore Newco may not be willing to pay as much as half of £x out of Target unless this represents a discount on the amount of corporation tax Target would otherwise have to pay on such profits ; additionally , the notional disposals which Target makes under s179 TCGA when it leaves the group may either increase its profits ( if a gain arises ) or decrease them ( if a loss arises ) ; ( c ) what the parties agree in terms of indemnity cover for Newco for tax charges crystallising in Target ; for example , the vendor goup may agree to surrender sufficient group relief to Target free of charge to preclude any charge to corporation tax arising from the operation of s179 when Target leaves the group .
24 My theories with it , my er great cynical look at it is , they they need a hundred offenders and a hundred non offenders to be referred to them for these tests .
25 The Secretary of State may receive representations in the light of which he may decide to require a particular application to be referred to him for decision .
26 Expect the agency too , at least to have discovered that you like ballet or horse racing , though you have no right to expect either to be bought tickets for these entertainments or to be accompanied to them by your account executive .
27 This can not be logical , and there is some support for landlords who feel justified in requiring the proceeds to be paid to them on the basis that a lease is for a limited duration but the freehold ( where applicable ) is for life .
28 The full amount of your initial investment plus bonuses is guaranteed to be returned to you on completion of the five year term — and of course you could see a healthy return on your investment due to stock market growth during this time .
29 I wonder if you could arrange for these to be returned to us for signature by the Press ?
30 I refer to my letter to you of 18 May last , in which I explained that the Agreement that you had signed for the above tape had not been signed on behalf of Oxford University Press , and that the duplicate copy which you had retained for your records needed to be returned to us for signature in Oxford before I could despatch your copy of the tape to you .
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