Example sentences of "[prep] [be] [adv] [prep] [art] time " in BNC.

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1 But if you were old enough to be around at the time , reactions like ‘ Well , of course , the political circumstances were such that … ’ , and ‘ Yes , I have to admit I took offence to that ’ are more likely , and cause one to take a more considered and less dogmatic view .
2 By the 1740s the numbers were increasing , although the best women poets , including Mary Leapor and Mary Jones , tended to be rather behind the times , modelling their work on Pope and Swift rather than responding to the new trend toward sensibility at mid-century .
3 We got all the details from Peggy , who happened to be there at the time , when she popped down later to the Met Office for a reviving cup of coffee and dash of medicinal brandy .
4 And er we were on that for about an hour or so and then they got rid of the the badly injured were taken off then and put on the Therris it 's support vessel that was Just happened to be there at the time .
5 They just put me up for it and I just happened to be about at the time .
6 They had an interest in playing golf together so specifically formed a society giving it the name of the road they happened to be in at the time — Worple Way , Harrow .
7 Sheriff Brian Lockhart , who is presiding over the fatal accident inquiry , asked whether the Newton plans , referred to throughout five weeks of the inquiry so far as ‘ single lead ’ had not been considered to be so at the time .
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