Example sentences of "[prep] [conj] [pron] be [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 In the solid ( below the glass transition or in the crystalline state ) the " spaghetti " is somewhat less able to slide about than it is in the liquid state .
2 ‘ It 's as if we 're in the moon ? ’
3 In the bar that evening we felt as if we were in the movie Top Gun as U.S. Navy pilots sang , ‘ You 've Lost That Lovin' Feeling ’ to us .
4 All the windows were shuttered as if we were in the depths of winter .
5 I felt as if we were in the presence of a ghoul , the living dead .
6 it sounds as if they 're in the back garden or something !
7 It would seem many misunderstood the form and responded to the following points as if they were under the heading of organisation .
8 ‘ Logical ’ here means those records that are processed as if they were on the track .
9 His knees looked to Bernice as if they were on the verge of buckling .
10 We began our discussion of the policy-making process by considering the roles of parties and pressure groups as if they were on the outside looking in , so to speak .
11 Mr Hurd has talked about these articles as if they were about the imposition of old East European ‘ socialism ’ ( with Chancellor Kohl leading the way ? ) .
12 His harsh voice shouted at them as if they were at the top of the rigging , rather than a stone 's throw from his feet .
13 The two slaves moved jerkily , as if they were at the ends of strings .
14 But the amounts the Poles spent were dwarfed by the way the Nazis used state funds as if they were from the Nazi Party cash box .
15 They said in the shop that the men who did it had been pretending to take up paving stones — nobody thought anything because it looked as if they were from the Council . ’
16 That man , what a funny character , did he treat everyone as if they were in the Army ?
17 Now , it looked as if they were newly decorating so whether the water got into there or not , but it did n't look as if they were in the process of decorating so I hope it did n't for their sake .
18 Mainly there was silence , in still greenish light , as if she were at the bottom of a pool .
19 Her voice had a lilt to it as if she were on the verge of laughter .
20 word clear and comprehensible as if she were in the front row of the stalls .
21 She felt as if she were in the middle of a minefield .
22 She could n't bear this any longer , this toing and froing of his emotions , tossing her around as if she were in the eye of a tornado .
23 As usual when drunk , he spoke to her as if she was at the other end of the street .
24 My mum looked as if she was in the middle of being kidnapped .
25 ‘ But it 's as if he 's in the same room .
26 It was as if he was on the other side of a river that no one knew how to cross .
27 The young man belched and blinked his eyes as if he was on the point of falling asleep .
28 Roy was standing in the doorway , staring at the kitchen as if he was in the wrong house .
29 Still sitting as if he was in the saddle , the Corporal loosed off a defiant burst , then swung over and down to us .
30 There was a deep crease between his nose and the corners of his mouth , as if he was in the habit of sneering .
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