Example sentences of "[prep] [conj] [prep] [art] first [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He had evoked in extreme measure and focused upon himself many irrational , but none the less real and strong , feelings of selfless devotion , sacrifice , and passionate commitment to a national ideal — emotions which had developed enormous , elemental force during and after the First World War .
2 ‘ It was a conversion experience , ’ he says , ‘ I had seen his carvings in a vague sort of way already [ Esterly was then a post-graduate student at Cambridge and surrounded by some of Gibbons ' best work ] but I found myself looking at them there in St James 's as if for the first time .
3 I felt myself falling , falling , as if for the first time , deeper and deeper into mysterious pits of passion and anxiety , longing and despair .
4 She admired his hands , seeing the slender curled fingers and pink palms as if for the first time .
5 And then he smiled at her as if for the first time , a smile that made her think that he had been touched by God .
6 For Lee everything was being spotlit and she was seeing the people around her as if for the first time .
7 And yet , in spite of the fatigue , he felt , good , as if for the first time in his life he had really stretched himself and grown up .
8 It is all very well expounding the theory that an artist should cultivate an innocent eye , seeing things as if for the first time .
9 In which case the non-verbal concomitants of the various utterances are improvised as if for the first time , and in the best of all possible productions an unforeseeable Lear , Macbeth or Rosalind emerges in performance , and the speeches come across expressing meanings which would have been hard to foresee from reading the bare text .
10 Then one July evening , just before the war , he suddenly noticed the roses as if for the first time .
11 Affection , melancholy , and other emotions that eluded classification , surged and slopped inside her as she noted each detail as if for the first time — or as if for the last .
12 Credit assessment — judging the profitable amount of credit to give , in what form and who to give it to — acquired new significance with the social changes that came with and after the First World War , and the even greater upheaval with the much bigger population after the Second .
13 In the case of parish , town or community councillor the declaration must be made before or at the first meeting of the council after his election , or if the council at that meeting so permits , before or at a later meeting fixed by the council .
14 Nevertheless , Roberts describes a way of life before and after the First World War which is quite fascinating and now , obviously , long past .
15 This had developed from a side-interest of the original Weetman Pearson ( Lord Cowdray ) , a civil engineer and Liberal activist before and after the First World War .
16 The Indian Civil Service and the Sudan Political Service each practised its own system of careful selection , but up to and including the First World War recruitment to the Colonial Service — or rather the assemblage of small local services which made it up — was on a highly casual basis .
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