Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [noun pl] and [verb] him " in BNC.

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1 Hexham magistrates yesterday placed him on probation for 12 months and ordered him to pay £20 costs .
2 Judge William Hannah jailed him for 12 months and disqualified him from driving for six months .
3 But yesterday he gave Largue , of Acklam Road , Middlesbrough , a community service order for 100 hours and ordered him to pay £500 costs .
4 A Polish farmer fits him out with a complete set of dry clothes and sends him on to the West German embassy in Warsaw .
5 to enlarge a child 's knowledge , experience and understanding , develop his awareness of moral values and to enable him to become ‘ an active ’ and ‘ responsible ’ participant in society … capable of achieving as much independence as possible .
6 The economist 's role in all this is essentially to make the policy-maker aware of these trade-offs and to advise him of the suitability of alternative policy tools for the achievement of objectives .
7 Boniface informed the archbishop about the holding of Frankish synods and sent him a copy of their decrees , particularly those of the council of 747 , urging him to reform the behaviour of bishops and condemning their adornment of dress and propensity for drunkenness .
8 Judaism and Islam could be called polytheistic religions in the sense that they do contain traditions that represent Jews and Moslems as called upon to choose one of several gods and follow Him to the exclusion of others .
9 Chris Renninson set Hibberd away down the right and his excellent control took him past two defenders and gave him the time and space to send over a pinpoint cross to O'Shea , who rose unchallenged to head home from close range .
10 Magistrates banned Wilson , who is working as a labourer in the Darlington area , from driving for three years and fined him £350 .
11 May I welcome his decision to hold a public inquiry about these proposals and urge him to ensure that the inquiry is held in such a way , in such a place and at such a time that the concerns of many thousands of people about the proposals can be fully communicated ?
12 An undated ducal warrant survives ordering William Fitzwilliam of Sprotborough to meet Gloucester at Doncaster with eight horses and accompany him to London .
13 An undated ducal warrant survives ordering William Fitzwilliam of Sprotborough to meet Gloucester at Doncaster with eight horses and accompany him to London .
14 This Bobby did , and was cautiously treating himself to oysters at the bar when Minton came in with some sailors and bade him join them .
15 Let him amuse the Emperor ( Napoleon III ) with evasive replies and let him annihilate Austria for ever .
16 He ex husband George Hailes pleaded not guilty to cruelty , but magistrates banned him from keeping a dog for 6 months and ordered him to contribute towards prosecution costs .
17 In 1629 the Tsar Mikhail severely reproved Louis XIII himself for failing to use his full title in official letters and warned him that " We can not approve your habit of wishing to be our friend and yet denying and taking from us the titles and qualities which almighty God has given us and which we so justly possess . "
18 His ingenious situation concerns very small homunculi from space , of the order of magnitude of body cells , who enter a human being in large numbers and colonize him to such an extent that he is eventually made up of small conscious entities .
19 But when he claimed another wicket the entire Notts team fled in all directions and left him — arms outspread — to celebrate embarrassingly alone in the middle of the pitch .
20 It was alleged by his widow that Thomas Flete , as agent of Clemens , ‘ … him feloniously slew and murdered and clove his head in four parties and gave him ten deadly wounds in his body and when he was dead they cut off one of his legs and one of his arms and his head from his body to make him sure ’ .
21 Israeli officials have maintained that solitary confinement is necessary to prevent Mordechai Vanunu from other inmates and to prevent him from revealing further classified information , including details of his abduction , which was illegal according to international law .
22 Meredith marched across , grasped his pullover in both hands and dragged him off the pillows to shake him violently .
23 Mr Singh could take him to the bus when he was on late shifts and collect him on early shifts .
24 We 've followed his progress over recent years and seen him grow up , quite literally .
25 Judge William Hannah sentenced Francis , of Caroline Street , Hetton-le-Hole , to four months imprisonment suspended for two years and ordered him to pay £500 compensation .
26 Judge David Bryant sentenced him to nine months imprisonment suspended for two years and ordered him to pay £200 costs .
27 She has n't seen him for 20 years and remembers him as a ‘ nice guy ’ .
28 The boys stood this for as long as was decent , and then , after a particularly heavy blow to the head , the brothers grabbed the Bosnian refugee by both feet and up-ended him over the sand .
29 Kalchu reached over to where he and Hārkini had been squabbling , picked him up by both elbows and pulled him on to his lap .
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