Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [prep] all [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In a move to freeze about two-thirds of all the money in circulation , short-term seven-day banking deposits worth about $2,000 million were frozen on Jan. 1 , and the amount which investors could withdraw in cash was limited to 1,000,000 australs , the option being to accept repayment of savings in 10-year dollar bonds .
2 For that plus all the news you 'd expect from your favourite lunchtime show , join Angus , Lloyd and me tomorrow at five past one .
3 At the moment , about four-fifths of all the timber and timber products we use have to be imported .
4 ‘ They are never children , ’ he answered , ‘ that let themselves be photographed like that for all the world to see . ’
5 You have this sandwich like , like that with all the salad stuff in it .
6 3 Make up a table like this for all the dialect words in the story : 4 Tell this story , or a story of your own , in your own dialect , or a dialect that you know well .
7 ‘ How could you let me down like this after all the effort I 've made ?
8 So I mean I think we 've got to go into this for all the course .
9 In 1989 13 people died fishing — 11 by drowning — compared with 11 in all the year 's circuit racing , rallying , motorcycle racing and scrambling put together .
10 Let's talk about first of all the boat that they went in .
11 Well , we 're anxious that there is n't an escalation of this crisis , that it may be dealed with as Brigadier Harbottle has written in a letter to the Guardian today , dealt with , er more through first of all an attempt by the Arab nations to come to some agreement amongst themselves and agreement which will satisfy them and be a more long-lasting one .
12 before before the meeting proper may I refer you to first of all the voice amplification system is currently working but er there are some difficulties with it and it may during the day deteriorate to a state that it is more trouble than it 's worth .
13 The rain was pelting him relentlessly and he may have been as well to have had no clothes at all for all the protection his gave him .
14 While some , indeed most , planned towns established themselves successfully , others proved completely abortive , never came to life at all despite all the activity of the planners , including the king himself .
15 and erm , they were absolutely chocker , they were really full and he said erm , I sa , he said he had n't had to fill them up at all in all the time that it 's been running , and no , I asked him if he had any enquiries and nobody stopped him and asked anything about it , and then he turned to the other lad who was beside him the sales assistant and he said no I 've had no enquiries at all , so that was it .
16 Which is the the one that you 're sort of that you came across first of all the trig functions ?
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