Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [prep] [num] year ' " in BNC.

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1 ( 1984 ) report that for those aged 65 + in 1974 reported activity limitation varied from 61.2 per cent of those with five years ' or less education to 34.2 per cent of those with a college education .
2 Yusef Salaam , 16 , Raymond Santana , 15 , and Antron McCray , 16 , the three youths convicted in August of participating in the rape and assault of a jogger in Central Park , New York City , were given maximum sentences of five to 10 years ' imprisonment on Sept. 11 .
3 Policemen of twenty to twenty-five years ' service were harassed from pillar to post in the hunt for improved returns of charges and summonses .
4 A Russian scholar , Kondratieff published in 1926 evidence for the view that familiar economic cycles of 3.5 to 11 years ' length were superimposed on deeper ‘ long waves ’ of 47 to 60 years .
5 Confirmed early in the year , the order came as a result of two to three years ' work .
6 Guinness brands were also reintroduced into Argentina during 1992 after ten years ' absence .
7 Arne Treholt , 49 , who had been sentenced in mid-1985 to 20 years ' imprisonment for espionage on behalf of the Soviet Union and Iraq [ see p. 34113 ] , was pardoned on July 3 on health grounds ; his second wife had died earlier in the year and he was reportedly suffering from depression .
8 So we recommend an inquiry — in three to five years ' time into the extent to which card users ( in particular , users of more than one credit card ) are using their cards to spend more than they judge prudent .
9 The only group of workers to achieve shorter hours by legislation were the miners , who were granted an eight-hour day in 1908 after forty years ' campaigning .
10 Assistant teacher Habib Ben Malek was sentenced in the same trial in 1977 to 20 years ' imprisonment .
11 Normally a degree at a university ( apart from the Open University ) requires three or four years ' full-time study , but it may be taken as a four-year sandwich course , or in five to six years ' part-time study in other institutions .
12 Pathe , epitomised by its crowing cockerel and mildly patronising commentaries , stopped producing newsreels in 1970 after 75 years ' coverage of world events because of the decline of the film industry and a change in cinema audience tastes .
13 A former chairman and managing director of Mackinnon Mackenzie , Sandy Oag retired in 1973 after 27 years ' service .
14 Clause 2 recommends that the maximum penalty for assisting a prisoner to escape should be increased from five to 10 years ' imprisonment .
15 Yesterday it said the issue would mature in 23 to 28 years ' time , which will make it the longest-dated gilt available in the market .
16 A military court on Dec. 9 handed down sentences ranging from 15 to 24 years ' imprisonment for " aggravated murder " ( rather than the original charge of genocide ) on eight out of 21 former communist officials and Securitate secret police accused of responsibility for the action against demonstrations in Timisoara in December 1989 and the killing of nearly 100 people .
17 The dam , completed in 1890 after nine years ' work , is 390yds long and 127′ thick at the base .
18 Jampel Changchub and Ngawang Phulchung , Tibetan Buddhist monks at Drepung monastery , were both sentenced in 1989 to 19 years ' imprisonment — the longest sentence against prisoners of conscience ever imposed in recent years by the authorities in Tibet .
19 The majority considered that such cases should in future be dealt with under the Sexual Offences Act 1956 , s.3(1) , which makes it a crime to procure a woman by false pretences or false representations to have unlawful sexual intercourse in any part of the world and that the penalty for this offence should be raised from two to five years ' imprisonment .
20 Vision is the picture you have of profit in two to five years ' time , and how you 're going to achieve it
21 The real boost for cellular radio will come in two to three years ' time with the introduction of the Europe-wide service , GSM .
22 But the family sizes of women married in 1945 and in 1954 after 10 years ' marriage were 1.79 and 1.96 children respectively — a difference of only 10 per cent .
23 In November 1989 Ben Ali granted a presidential pardon for humanitarian reasons to two of Bourguiba 's close aides , Mansur Skhiri and Mahmoud Belhassine , who had been sentenced in 1988 to seven years ' imprisonment and 10 years ' forced labour respectively for misappropriation of public funds , bad management and embezzlement ( for their arrest see p. 35801 ) .
24 It is only the baseline from which a repeat exercise can be carried out , in seven to 10 years ' time .
25 He retired in 1968 after 50 years ' service .
26 He worked for Coast Lines and retired as a collector in 1967 after 47 years ' service .
27 Amongst the guests this year were two nonagenarians , Arthur Terry , a former superintending steward with Orient Line who retired in 1967 after 48 years ' service , and Captain William Solly who served with British India for 33 years and retired as a commander in 1960 .
28 Following a speech by Lord Sterling , the reply on behalf of the guests was made by Alan Langley , who retired as Managing Director of P&O Cruises in 1990 after 42 years ' service with P&O , BI and Mackinnon Mackenzie .
29 That contract was for ten albums , which , at Oldfield 's work rate , could amount to fifteen to twenty years ' work .
30 On an application for judicial review made pursuant to leave granted by Auld J. on 7 June 1991 , the applicant in the first case , Renee Joyce Calder , a barrister , sought an order of certiorari to quash the finding by the Visitors to Lincoln 's Inn on 6 March 1991 , upholding a decision of a disciplinary tribunal of the Council of the Inns of Court that the applicant was guilty of professional misconduct but varying the sentence from disbarment to one of five years ' suspension .
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