Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [prep] [art] time [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The temperature will rise to a maximum of about nine degrees Celsius , about normal for the time of year .
2 In a simple agricultural community , such as that at the time of the Pentateuch , this meant each family being able to own land .
3 Insurers usually require a Statutory Declaration as to the solvency of the transferor husband at the time of the conveyance so the practitioner must consider whether or not it is practical to ask for this at the time of the conveyance ( see further Chapter 10 ) .
4 By the same token this raises the interesting possibility that , for much of the time at least , men view their knowledge as self-evident and many women may , in the absence of alternatives , come to interpret their own experiences in terms of the categories made available by male experts .
5 They do not need to do so — for much of the time at least — simply because things work that way in any case ’ .
6 The fears of the British textile industry preoccupied British officials for much of the time between 1948 and 1950 .
7 A fine attacking batsman , he had been in the England team for much of the time since making his debut in 1982 , but after his four centuries in the summer of 1984 he had disappointed too often and his average scarcely reflected his ability — in 57 Tests he had made just over 3,000 runs at 34 before the tour began .
8 Although we had been in the land of constant daylight for several days , the sun had been hidden for much of the time by high cloud .
9 Its growth rate has been outstripped for much of the time by that of France and even , in some recent years , by that of the United Kingdom .
10 The contra leaders , sitting for much of the time in Miami in their well-cut lightweight suits and their gold watches , had purposes in view , some of them not especially noble ; the rebels in the field were mostly tired , variously motivated , and confused .
11 Dahl for much of the time in Dresden , in the same house as the German Romantic painter Caspar David Griedrich , and both were dazzled and bewitched by the golden luminosity of Italy .
12 By the time these cases were heard Mettingham had replaced the disgraced Thomas de Weyland [ q.v. ] as chief justice of the Common Bench , a post which he held from the beginning of 1290 until the time of his death .
13 While Barth had by no means worked through all the implications of this at the time of his controversy with Brunner , the disagreement which came into the open in 1934 can be seen in retrospect as foreshadowing the shape of his own future theology .
14 It is suggested above that no public library can satisfy demand for all these types of material — least of all at a time of diminishing resources .
15 Had I known that he intended to throw his claim to the leadership into the ring within a matter of hours , I would have tried to dissuade him from it then and there , for people never like being bounced , and least of all at a time of emotional stress .
16 The term ‘ schoolgirl mother ’ strictly refers to those under the age of 16 at the time of conception .
17 It does not do so ; standing orders recognise this position of dominance and provide for the devotion of most of the time of the House of government business , including Bills .
18 Ari tried to wriggle away from him a little , somehow annoyed he could say a thing like that at a time like this .
19 It was like this at the time of Mum 's suicide , you police just would n't leave me alone . ’
20 In 1926 38.3 per cent of the population were Ukrainian as against 37.9 at the time of the 1923 census .
21 Profit predictions for 1992 at the time of flotation in 1989 were around £20m .
22 Instead he went on to tell them that the shortest time they kept pupils was for two years but that usually they tried to move people back into mainstream at the time for transfer to middle/upper school .
23 This proved true above all at the time of which I write , or up to that time , because adolescence is as much a mental as a biological experience , and the arts meant much at that epoch , the last before the advent of Pop Culture , which has since taken over the adolescent mind rendering present that ‘ future ’ which Eliot dreaded .
24 Although the eclipse is only partial at the two highest frequencies , so that the pulses are observed throughout the orbit , strong pulses are seen for only about one-quarter of the time at 606MHz , close to phase 0.75 when the pulsar is nearest to the Earth .
25 We took so much stick for those at the time from the diehard ‘ Blues Mac ’ fans .
26 It is thought that from the late 16th century it was placed on top of the remaining tower of the ruined Kilwinning Abbey ( the Abbey was destroyed in 1561 at the time of the Scottish Reformation ) .
27 Such freedom of movement was far from complete at the time of the SEA .
28 The last Briton to hold the world mile record , WG George in 1886 with a time of 4min 12 ¾sec , was at Motspur Park on August 28 to watch Wooderson 's attempt .
29 It was finally incorporated in the SMM , launched early in 1980 near the time of maximum sunspot activity .
30 While retaining an interest in the Artillery Company , he transferred to the Stationers ' Company in 1777 , becoming a liveryman in 1776 at the time of his move to 33 Leadenhall Street .
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