Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [noun sg] [adv] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 For that reason alone the study will have started to achieve its objective of generating further and fundamental debate on what continues to be an unresolved and unsatisfactory state of affairs .
2 it also helped to take some of the ‘ sting ’ out of the staff review , and paved the way for further work e.g. the planning of an evaluation of the 12–16 curriculum with respect to areas of experience and skills .
3 South Cambridgeshire District Council has recognized the important part that environmental health officers have to play within the work of the District Council , and for some time now the work of the Department has been carried on under the hat of the Legal , Housing and Health Director .
4 If this has been leaking for some time then the transfer box is probably low on oil .
5 The accountant , and for that matter any other professional persons , have very important roles to play in the lease and for this purpose alone the tenant will wish to ensure that they are suitably qualified .
6 Please note also that for this week ONLY the evening Mass at St. Philip 's Priory , Begbroke has been transferred from Wednesday to Thursday evening , for the Feast of St. Philip Benizi , at 7.00 pm .
7 For this reason alone the judge 's order is fatally flawed .
8 Many believe that Mr Kinnock 's heart may have been cut out and stamped on but that it beats anew in Mr Brown , and for this reason alone the party leader is credited with wanting the 41-year old Scot to succeed him in the event of disaster .
9 In short if an application does not know how to make use of expanded memory then the memory remains unused .
10 If we assume that ducks peek randomly , briefly and independently of each other then the probability of the flock detecting a randomly attacking cat is given by P = 1 — e where n is the flock size .
11 Had the axial spin of M been slower than that of synchronous rotation then the torque would have acted to speed it up until synchronous rotation was achieved .
12 Some of the dancing in Requiem was way below this standard yet the ballet still came across as one of MacMillan 's most monumental works .
13 Where it is a matter of public feeling then the voting system has a place — as a sort of representative jury .
14 ‘ I have to say that in terms of violent crime generally the amount of it in the United Kingdom is small compared with that in other countries and , if I may say so , here in Washington . ’
15 Or , to put the question in terms closer to his own , are the principles enunciated in the system of Absolute Idealism really the truth to which these theological teachings point ?
16 These studies show that if we can define a population with a high risk of recurrent disease then the outlook may be improved by medical treatment .
17 The Marine Policy is one of strict indemnity i.e. the Insurer undertakes to indemnify the Policyholder in the manner and to the extent agreed in the Policy and no further .
18 If we do face a period of declining income then the Council must be prepared to cut its coat according to the cloth available .
19 He indicates that , with the control of premature mortality largely the result of reducing mortality from infectious diseases , the pattern of population morbidity will be dominated by chronic diseases .
20 We can see that in this area of intellectual work even the analysis of concepts carries with it a considerable political and even emotional charge .
21 Nor is the use of rustic speech necessarily the product of a decline in literacy .
22 Program files like this bear either the extension COM or EXE , standing for COMpiled and EXEcutable , respectively .
23 amalgamating , with another firm so the paper work probably has got lost So I
24 From that day onwards the word was never heard again .
25 From that day onwards the situation worsened .
26 From that time onward the flow of migrants from the West Indies to Britain has declined steadily : recently there seems to have been a net outflow .
27 From that point onward the story is a bonus but overall you read for the quality of language and the quality of seeing rather than the material .
28 If these economies are also those with existing substantial disparities in regional prosperity then the transition to monetary union might well serve to aggravate the relative position of the latter , in that any reduction in national income arising from the processes outlined above is itself likely to have a disproportionately large effect on the disadvantaged regions of those countries .
29 If it is not working in that time then the chart should be discontinued .
30 If we are prepared to look at things in that light then the range of choice becomes much wider .
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