Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [adj] [noun pl] ' [noun] " in BNC.

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1 During that eight years ' task , those at the heart of it were learning themselves how to pray more deeply and contemplatively .
2 After forty four years ' service with the company David Smith , Shift Supervisor , retired on 19th February .
3 One major achievement was the adoption , by the influential Council of Bars and Law Societies of the European Community ( CCBE ) — after some 15 years ' debate — of a draft directive on rights of establishment under home title .
4 At her farewell presentation , Jean Henry ( centre ) holds a bouquet of flowers given to her on retirement in February after twenty four years ' service .
5 Milton Keynes is about as far from the sea as it is possible to get in England , and Roger Mason 's motivation in coming to us was never quite clear to me ( perhaps it was n't to him either , for although after four intensive years ' research he produced a many-hundred page ‘ draft ’ of his thesis , far in excess of what might be required , he finally failed to submit it for examination ) .
6 After two successful years ' trading , Nomad Books of Fulham in central London has moved into larger premises .
7 Arthur Hawthorn ( right ) , Threading Supervisor in the Crabtree weaving department has retired after thirty five years ' service with the company .
8 the paper was selected by the BAIE to take part in a Federation of European Industrial Editors ' association competition .
9 In the fading days of the postwar consensus , under the Labour patriarchy of that civil servants ' union boss Jim Callaghan , Apocalypse seemed more viable than pleasure .
10 Such confidence is further strengthened when there is positive and practical help available to the teacher in the form of clear sequenced teachers ' notes with practical advice .
11 If the money plus the bonus is left for a further two years , an additional bonus of another 14 months ' interest is paid , boosting the tax-free return to 8.62 per cent ( worth 11.49 per cent to the basic rate taxpayer , or 14.37 per cent to a higher rate taxpayer ) .
12 The phone of another leading miners ' union official was also allegedly tapped in the late 1970s , as was the phone of a shop steward at the Ford plant at Dagenham .
13 Organised by Brian and Anna Houghton , the London ceramics dealers who have launched two highly regarded specialist fairs in London during the past few years , it offered New Yorkers two innovations ; an expert vetting committee , which checked that every item was genuinely what it was said to be — there had never been vetting in America before — and a showcase in their own city of top European dealers ' wares .
14 The money gained makes my wife an old withered bag in next to no time and then I can go out and have a special house built with ceilings made entirely of succulent young ladies ' pendant breasts " .
15 The nuclear power plant at Dounreay , Scotland , is breaking regulations on the storage and disposal of radioactive waste , according to a former nuclear waste manager and head of British Nuclear Fuels ' environment protection group , Bob Burton .
16 The bizarre story of British academic institutions ' flattery of the Ceauşescus could be repeated many times over in other impeccably democratic countries .
17 As British companies have become more international in their operations and UK profits have disappeared in the recession , the problem has grown dramatically worse ; about 40% of British listed companies ' profits now come from overseas .
18 The Battalion was finally wound up on 7 August 1946 , and the Works lost its close association with the 1st Bucks , of some 69 years ' standing , for in 1947 , in the new TA formation , it became a Light-Anti-Aircraft Regiment , no part of which was raised at Wolverton .
19 The EEC this month revealed that Europe 's nuclear industry holds a stockpile of some four years ' supply of enriched uranium .
20 The papers , covering the period 1834-68 , include copies of some 300 apprentices ' indentures for the years 1856-68 .
21 There was a staff of three Corporals , one Sergeant and the scarred Sergeant-Major who had interviewed me , all of whom were veterans of some twenty years ' service in the Legion , filling in their last years before retirement .
22 The former training division is an established one of some 25 years ' standing .
23 The call came from the director general of the Office of Fair Trading , Sir Gordon Borrie , in a hard-hitting review of this 16 years ' work , at a recent Institute of Directors ' branch meeting .
24 Among the local peculiarities which needed to be swept away , the most important was the array of outlandish local saints ' days and festivals in the Canterbury calendar .
25 We will respect the confidentiality of such third parties ' information provided to us by other professionals and agencies .
26 The share of these joint ventures ' results and net assets attributable to LASMO are fully reflected in the Group consolidated accounts .
27 When the distribution of these three candidates ' surpluses was complete in Stage IV , VUPP had 1.4 quotas .
28 The indices of these three authors ' works do not contain the word ‘ Burgh ’ but make reference to ‘ Borough ’ .
29 Our one day visit soon stretched to two , and when we left at the end of three superb days ' climbing there were still routes we wanted to do .
30 Indeed , City analysts reckon that in the first six months of 1992 listed companies ' dividends only increased by 2% as companies tried to improve their balance sheets and build up dividend cover .
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