Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [noun] be [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The loss of potential output resulting-from involuntary unemployment is clearly a serious matter for an economy .
2 1.29 The need for private nursing is chiefly a matter for medical evidence but the extent and likely cost can best be established by reference to expert evidence such as that available from the British Nursing Association or local nursing agencies whose addresses can be found in the Nursing Times .
3 The Liberal Democrat MP for Argyll and Bute , Ray Michie , said : ‘ The question for Labour leaders is now a simple one of good faith .
4 In McGilligan 's case , the fruits of his labour have come late in his career and for that reason are all the more welcome .
5 In addition , it believes Encina could have quite conceivably gone on to the ES/9000 mainframe instead of Tuxedo , but thinks IBM 's deal with USL for that technology is effectively a spoiler for Amdahl Corp 's Tuxedo TP system offering on its IBM-compatible Unix mainframes .
6 The reluctance of the party to embrace unconditionally the activities of bourgeois intellectuals during this period was doubtless the result of the highly sectarian and consequently suspicious attitude with which the party viewed cultural activity at this time .
7 This is true to some extent on a Business Studies course , but learning about commercial activity is only a part of your studies .
8 In times of crisis the budgets for cultural institutions are always the first to be suspended , and in some sense this is correct : I do n't want to compete with kindergartens .
9 It is perfectly true — for this hotel is also an antique shop .
10 The results for this question were almost a mirror image of those for the preceding question , with the negative response to the proposition from the majority of sole practitioners easily cancelling out the positive answer given by the bulk of the remaining respondents .
11 The termination rate for this service is also no worse than other years and is indeed better than our other services .
12 To use environmental analysis as a special intelligence source for top managers is perhaps the single most common reason why it ceases to have any effect on decisions … .
13 Contrary to the intuitions of the participants , the anticipated ( j ) , ( c ) ( g ) is dispreferred in favour of the following : The focalisation created through this pattern is almost the reverse of that expected , with a narrowing to the detail of the " leaves ' in the second sentence , followed by an abrupt transition outwards to a general statement about the rain in the last sentence .
14 Suddenly , says Peter , we have Germany and Spain included and his remarks added extra meaning to the thought that a mainland Europe venue for future matches is now a threat to the Belfry-based PGA who take the profits for a " possible " academy of golf to be built in the English Midlands .
15 This theme was being maintained a year later , by which time it was clear that the incentive that held the greatest attraction for Japanese buyers was still the discount , particularly as the hazards of lifting oil in the Gulf were making insurance so expensive .
16 The administrative arrangement and supervision required for such teamwork was exactly the sort of skill in which Lewis excelled , and the hours passed quickly with the progressive gleaning of intelligence , the gradual build up of hard fact to bolster tentative theory — and always that almost insolent gratification that shone in Morse 's eyes , for the latter appeared to have known ( or so it seemed to Lewis ) most of the details before the calls and corroboration had been made .
17 For that reason the word ‘ interests ’ in the Code of Professional Conduct is perhaps an unfortunate guide in the context of censorship .
18 Reading the bars on this basis of narrow bars being below a certain read time , and wide bars being above it , will not work very well .
19 We may say , then , that the achievement of indexical meaning is commonly a matter of making a connection between the linguistic sign and the relevant aspect of schematic knowledge .
20 Differences in perception of feudal obligation were partly a matter of simple distance .
21 There are many different causes of uncertainty and those which are explicitly due to GIS-based manipulations of geographic information are merely a more recent problem .
22 Although this is by any standards a grotesquely over-simplified account of hundreds of pages , it brings out the attitude which Althusser contests — the idea that Marx 's theory of political economy is just an alternative to the classical one , in that crucial experiments can be devised to adjudicate between them .
23 The psychological and moral elements of political action were almost the only ones to appear here , which is why intellectuals least inclined to politics were to be seen in the Resistance .
24 If one intends to exclude both direct and consequential economic loss , such as in relation to loss of profit , then it is important not to fall into the trap of drafting the clause to exclude consequential loss only , although exclusion of consequential loss is obviously an important element .
25 The Chair of each committee is usually the Field Chair or Head of Department and membership consists of module leaders from the field and the external examiner .
26 Once experimental control achieved in laboratory conditions made it possible to demonstrate that the strength of specific behaviours was indeed a function of environmental events , it seemed reasonable to describe such events as reinforcers .
27 Indeed , the future of European liberty is largely a development of this concept of liberty applied to many kinds of corporate body .
28 Trading in the shares of a target company on the basis of inside information is perhaps the best known form of insider dealing .
29 The initial idea of making vases out of solid stone was probably a foreign import .
30 In many , the enclosure award of Georgian days was only the final clearing-up of remnants of open field that survived after piecemeal enclosure had been going on for generations or even centuries .
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