Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [noun] [subord] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It also forcibly raised the question of the need for political change before substantial propaganda could be spread among the peasantry — a question shelved since the early 1860s amid general hostility to constitutional compromise .
2 Lewontin 's book , a collection of his essays on the ideological basis of contemporary biology , is more about political philosophy than social policy .
3 ‘ Where the occupier of premises agrees for reward that a person shall have the right to enter and use them for a mutually contemplated purpose , the contract between the parties ( unless it provides to the contrary ) contains an implied warranty that the premises are as safe for that purpose as reasonable care and skill on the part of anyone can make them . ’
4 Bush 's reiteration of faith in Quayle 's competence — Nomination of Powell for further term as military chief
5 Does the Secretary of State agree that the progress made thus far is more likely to be maintained through calm deliberation than high wire circus acts ?
6 In an inherited disease with a 50% penetrance resulting in large bowel malignancy , the stigma of a stoma if conventional proctocolectomy is used or the need for repeated sigmoidoscopy if ileorectal anastomosis is offered for treatment make potential recruitment of family members for screening a real problem .
7 BRITAIN was facing its worst flooding crisis for 22 years as torrential rain and gale-force winds swept the country last night .
8 A 20-cent man pulls off the tail , a 22½-cent man pounds off another part where good leather is not found , and the knife of the 40-cent man cuts a different texture and has a different ‘ feel ’ from that of the 50-cent man .
9 After three years as Financial Secretary to the Treasury he entered the Cabinet as Minister of Education , in July 1962 .
10 John Tholen , 67 , took over the chairman 's position in 1988 after ten years as chief executive of the Tees and Hartlepool Port Authority and before that war service in the Royal Navy .
11 After short periods as general manager and chief engineer of the Mutual and the New Telephone Companies he set up in practice in 1893 as a consulting telephone and telegraph engineer , in which capacity he acted as consulting engineer to the telephone departments of Guernsey ( 1896–1921 ) and Glasgow ( 1900–4 ) , as well as Portsmouth , Hull , Brighton , and Swansea ( 1900–11 ) .
12 KITTY Grove-Stephensen retired yesterday after five years as chief executive of Teesside and District Society for the Blind .
13 During periods of anaerobic carbohydrate metabolism , the worms may also excrete pyruvic acid rather than retaining it for future oxidation when aerobic metabolism is possible .
14 Just as they are taught other subjects , they should increasingly be taught about such topics as mental handicap so that they do not grow up with the prejudices that their parents may possess .
15 For a man who was leading the campaign for sanctions against South Africa , when that was still a hopeless liberal cause , he has been notably diffident about such things as collective punishment and detention without trial in the Israeli-occupied territories .
16 Some are glorified minding places while others attempt to develop social skills , encouraging handicapped people to learn about such things as public transport and the handling of money .
17 This is as much a truth about such episodes as unfocused depression .
18 Through such techniques as occupational therapy and physiotherapy , and by the inspired use of artificial limbs , walking aids , powered wheelchairs and so on , many severely disabled persons can be helped to adjust physically to their situation , develop compensatory skills and achieve considerable mobility .
19 For instance , treatments are listed for such conditions as suppurative pneumonia , cerebral oedema and purulent nephritis , obviously requiring highly skilled veterinary care and sometimes remedies at the highest potencies .
20 But the principle of using consultants for such exercises as local government reform and the future organisation of water services must be questioned .
21 Administration and overhead costs to the builder will be reduced for such items as national insurance contributions , holidays with pay , sick pay , tool money and redundancy payments .
22 An effective system provides information for such purposes as internal reporting to managers for use in planning and controlling routine operations
23 Care managers can come from a wide range of professional backgrounds though social work professionals are probably best trained for the role .
24 But it has also begun to create a corporate culture where some companies have become a kind of economic prison where senior management can legally abuse and ill-treat their employees , and silence any protest with the threat of the sack .
25 Step-families have always existed but the increasing rate of divorce and remarriage mean that there are now more of them and that more are formed following parental divorce than parental death .
26 job availability in the south is of little value when inter-regional mobility is difficult .
27 Official Soviet anti-semitism , which has undoubtedly been observable since the foundation of the state of Israel in 1948 , must be measured against the rise of popular anti-semitism since political mobilisation ( including that of reactionaries ) became permitted again , not to mention the massacre of Jews on a considerable scale by local elements in the Baltic states and Ukraine , as the Germans marched in but before the systematic German killing of Jews began .
28 Aznar had headed the PP list in the October 1989 general election [ for January 1989 renaming of Popular Alliance as Popular Party see pp. 36775-76 ] .
29 The present system of managed floating does contain the possibility of direct conflict if official intervention is carried out at cross-purposes .
30 Nevertheless , we have attempted to derive a better index of fetal adiposity than simple birth weight and have found it to have a significant bearing on results of regression analysis , suggesting that maternal glycaemia does have an impact on fetal size independent of maternal weight .
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