Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] whether a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It is worth seeing whether a historical development can be detected .
2 Three examples will illustrate the importance of deciding whether a particular activity ought to be regulated by public law or private law .
3 This discrepancy arises from the ever present difficulty of deciding whether a particular cell could be either a lymphocyte or part of a macrophage , neutrophil , or fibroblast .
4 For the purpose of asking whether a given set of people may be enslaved , or deprived of their property , or denied access to the law courts , or the like , decency is best served by remembering that these are beings as conscious and valuable as ourselves , sharing our vulnerabilities and sensibilities .
5 Lacey had been appointed by Attorney General Barr in October [ see p. 39136 ] with the specific brief of determining whether a fuller investigation was warranted .
6 We have no way of telling whether a simple Menuetto marking by Haydn or anyone else indicates that a movement is to go slow , fast or somewhere in between .
7 At present the Monopolies and Mergers Commission is charged with determining whether a proposed merger is contrary to the public interest .
8 For Marshall McLuhan and his followers , the proliferation of media as the extensions of our sensory system has an immense importance , and much effort has been expended in defining whether a particular medium is " cold " or " hot " and in declaring the unity of medium and message .
9 The team leader does a further assessment before deciding whether a social worker or social work aide should take on the referral .
10 In deciding whether a restrictive covenant is permissible under Article 85(1) three questions must be considered .
11 ‘ it is , in my view , clear that the court , in considering whether a continuing situation of one or other of the kinds described in section 1(2) ( a ) exists , must do so at the point of time immediately before the process of protecting the child concerned is first put into motion .
12 The following policy exclusions are of importance in determining whether a valid subsidence claim exists : o Defective design or inadequate construction of the foundations — e.g. where the foundations of a property have not been constructed to a level required by regulations applying at the time of construction .
13 I conclude that in those circumstances the court should proceed with caution in determining whether a generalised refusal , as expressed by Miss T. , is evidence of a settled continuing intention to refuse blood in all circumstances .
14 As a private registry it was available only to the trading partners , and not to third parties interested in knowing whether a given shipment was sold , pledged , or had taken place .
15 In assessing whether a particular doctrine might have encouraged scientific inquiry , such ambivalence must be taken into account .
16 While the Guidelines are merely informative of how the Justice Department approaches merger situations , and do not bind the Department , the Federal Trade Commission , or private litigants , they are helpful to firms and their advisers in assessing whether a particular merger is likely to be acceptable to the competition authorities .
17 In such cases , Hansard has frequently been referred to with a view to ascertaining whether a statutory power has been improperly exercised for an alien purpose or in a wholly unreasonable manner .
18 The duty on an applicant to have recourse to ‘ effective and adequate ’ remedies extends to testing whether a possible avenue of redress will in fact operate to provide a remedy in his case .
19 As such , the escalating conflict in Northern Ireland offers a useful paradigm for predicting whether a similar process of escalation might feasibly occur on the British mainland .
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