Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] him to the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Josh had to be squeezed into Clare 's tight weekday schedule : after taking him to the babysitter in Pimlico , she caught another bus to the shoe shop where she worked .
2 ‘ Many would subscribe towards sinking him to the ocean bed .
3 Miss Polly took his words as a compliment and treated him to a coy smile of invitation , meant to suggest that he should sit beside her ; but Sean had already marked Herbert Fraser for that position of honour , stopping just short of pushing him to the ground .
4 Anyone who had this kind of machine behind them must be important , so it had the effect of presenting him to the public as this bigger than life pop star which , if you look at his record sales at the time , he was n't , but he was becoming a media myth , some of this due to his own talent and some of it due to the MainMan hype machine .
5 Sharing Gladstone 's high churchmanship , he was well qualified for the difficult task of reconciling him to the policy of Welsh disestablishment .
6 Although she was nervous of putting him to the test , she knew that , sooner or later , she must .
7 The medics met the plane and gave him plasma etc right there in the radio room before transporting him to the hospital .
8 Let me breathe then , ’ she laughed , giving him a big hug before putting him to the floor .
9 And at his back are China 's octogenarian power-brokers , biding their time before throwing him to the wolves .
10 It was not such a great step in reducing him to the laws-giver .
11 The only exception to this rule was Uncle Jack , who clearly had his sights set on several more whiskies when Charlotte insisted , at Ursula 's request , on driving him to the station and seeing him aboard the London train .
12 She felt an urge to fell him to the floor of the car , strike his face and hurt him as she was hurting inside .
13 The good thing about having the machines on the vehicle are that we can give him that electric shock as opposed to taking him to the hospital to have that electric shock .
14 Yeah he 's gon na take him to the master .
15 so anyway he went right on until the Saturday and he said look , on the Friday they called us in and they said look we 're gon na take him to the ward I 'm afraid there 's nothing else we can do , just deteriorating and he said there 's no
16 The jury found him guilty on a reduced charge of assaulting the youth by knocking him to the ground .
17 The man showed his gratitude by recommending him to the Bishop for ordination .
18 The court heard that Mr Farmer , who was shot four times , died saving his father Robert by pushing him to the floor and shouting a warning when he spotted the gunman .
19 If he remained at liberty , he could authorise the calling in of outside help — hence , as insurance , the coup leader 's attempt to destroy the President s reputation by connecting him to the cocaine trade .
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