Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] their [noun pl] into the " in BNC.

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1 Both the Regional and the District Councils are taking steps to discourage people from bringing their cars into the city .
2 In Stafford , soldiers were forbidden from bring their families into the town unless they had enough funds to keep them for a quarter of a year , due to the large number of camp followers registering for charity .
3 The first appearance at away matches of massive groups of skinheads , all uniformly dressed and intent on smashing their opponents into the ground , must have been rather unnerving for the managers of those clubs who were hoping to turn football watching into a family outing .
4 Although the solo danseuses perform sur les pointes , they still mark the appropriate beats by stabbing their toes into the floor , i.e. they dance a series of retirés passés forwards or backwards without descending and use typical Hungarian ports de bras .
5 Back home 2,000 fans greeted the news of the victory by throwing their hats into the air .
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