Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] a new [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 No doubt there is something to be said for beginning this task all over again , and for using a new technique for the purpose .
2 Instead , it was described solely as " the basis for elaborating a new constitution for the RSFSR and for the conclusion of a new Union treaty " [ see also below ] .
3 As Account Director for the client 's advertising agency , responsible for developing a proposed Advertising Strategy document , prepare a list of the information you would require for launching a new range of hair products .
4 Thus , while Korea found that inflows rapidly increased after their liberalisations in 1981–2 , Pakistan found a decline in investor interest after introducing a new policy of welcome in 1984 .
5 CCG staff are now on board two floats in the North Sea 's Brent Field after winning a new contract from Shell U.K. Exploration and Production , operator in the U.K. sector of the North Sea for Shell and Esso .
6 In some areas of Britain local voluntary organizations , or perhaps one of the arms of the public sector services , have become so disheartened by the lack of commitment and enthusiasm on the part of local psychiatrists and psychiatric nurses for developing a new style of service away from their traditional hospital base that they have decided to go ahead and develop a new service without any support from the consultants and hospital staff .
7 So there is a flow of American source in , but less I think in terms of building a new factory on green field , a green site , and more of erm , buying an existing operation
8 What do you make of this idea of building a new hospital at Norwich with fewer beds ?
9 He was able to reduce the cost of building a new house at Loseley ( over £1,600 ) by taking material from Waverley Abbey , then the property of his Catholic friend Anthony Browne , first Viscount Montague [ q.v . ] .
10 Once the route was resolved the Club found itself considering yet again , the prospects of building a new clubhouse at the top of Chalk Hill and serious attempts were made to interest Brewery companies into buying the existing clubhouse for a public house .
11 Prospective parents can find themselves having to weight the joys and fulfillment of bringing a new child into the world with the responsibilities and risks .
12 Another way of producing a new set from two old ones A and B is to define their difference
13 At first , as he worked , he had reminisced pleasantly to himself about the smells and the texture of paper and ink , and about the pleasure of opening a new roll of papyrus , laid out as far as there was need on soft leather spread over a wooden writing desk ; then mixing the ink powder with water , and the nervous moment of dipping the brush to make the first signs — to load the brush just so , in order that the ink would be absorbed by the paper before it could run down it .
14 The risk of opening a new shop in the wrong location may be significantly reduced by a knowledge of : * the population and ACORN profile of the location 's catchment area ; * the size and number of existing retail competitors in the location ; * the " normal " level of retail competition in shopping centres of a similar type .
15 Docherty was on the verge of signing a new contract with United who had just won the FA Cup and in an act of either remarkable honesty or unmitigated stupidity , he decided to inform the board that he was romantically involved with the physiotherapist 's wife .
16 The enormous risks and start-up costs of launching a new daily from scratch prevented anyone trying , until new technology and a successful challenge to the strength of the trade unions transformed Fleet Street economics in the mid-1980s — making ‘ Fleet Street ’ itself an archaic term , since the construction of production plant elsewhere , notably Wapping , was part of the process .
17 Ask us to explain in fine detail , the benefits of Option , the most popular new way of driving a new car in Britain .
18 Pierre Reverdy , a young friend and supporter of Picasso and Braque , was quick to realize the fact that true Cubism had not been the product of pictorial doctrines and theories , and also that the search for the means of expressing a new concept of form and space had made Cubism a style of almost unequalled pictorial discipline .
19 There the curate , John Carter , had the joy of establishing a new work in the local pub .
20 God subsequently led the Burnetts to accept the challenge of establishing a new work in Albania ( in conjunction with the European Baptist Federation ) and since summer of this year they have been resident in Tiran together with their two young sons .
21 Gaver sees the possibility of establishing a new framework for talking about sound .
22 In fact the channelling of reports and dissertations towards educationally productive goals is merely part of a wider and far more important issue , that of establishing a new climate of opinion among teachers and those who train them which regards enquiry about the learners and the environment in which they learn as an important part of a teacher 's professional life , which seeks to develop interests and provide skills for them to do so as part of their training and retraining and which rewards initiatives undertaken in college and subsequently .
23 Schikaneder suggested to Mozart the idea of writing a new kind of opera-pantomime , with German dialogue , for the theatre , in which Schikaneder himself would have a part .
24 These economic theories are also significant because ultimately they are founded on the objective of developing a new science of politics .
25 At a meeting in Larnaca , Cyprus , on Feb. 3-4 representatives from 54 countries of the Non-Aligned Movement ( NAM ) , including over 20 foreign ministers , made limited progress towards defining a new role for the movement following the end of the Cold War .
26 But the quid pro quo was the loss of the ability to offset exploration drilling costs against PRT liability on producing fields , a concession which reduced the actual cost of sinking a new well to just some 17 per cent of rig charges for companies which had such a tax shelter .
27 If the ISAM method is in use , the effect of adding a new record to a block of records is to cause the block to be re-built , incorporating the new record and pushing the last record of the last block on the track off into overflow .
28 Is there any chance of getting a new supply of printed cards please ?
29 Reacting to the killings , the Nobel Peace Prize winner , Desmond Tutu , the Anglican archbishop of Cape Town , said it demonstrated it was time for all South Africa 's politicians ‘ for goodness sake to get off your butts and get on with the business of getting a new constitution for this country .
30 If you are considering buying a new outfit for the occasion Carita House always has a supply of Medau Blue garments .
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